
Housing is one of the basic needs of human beings, without a doubt. Some people are lucky to easily find their ideal living spaces, while others have to struggle for years until they find something suitable, even if it is far from their dreams. Due to the increase in population and limited residential spaces, a lot of people now explore basement apartments for rent and try to live their life comfortably.
Basement apartments are the ones that are located below the ground level. There are still a few legal obligations the basement apartments must adhere to in order to be granted legal status, approval, and various other benefits. These include at least seven feet higher ceilings and windows. Still, there are a few pros and cons of such living spaces you should know before renting basement apartments.
Dig deeper into this article to explore the pros and cons of renting a basement apartment to make your living experience more comfortable and peaceful.
Top 4 Pros of Renting Basement Apartments You Can Consider
There are all sorts of people in the world who have different types of choices and tastes. Some people can relate to them, while others find them weird. One such choice that can make people weird in the eyes of others is preferring basement apartments over other types of apartments. If you are not one of them, you must explore the benefits of a basement apartment, and you might also fall for them.
Here are some major pros of renting a basement apartment you can consider before making the final decision.
The most promising pro of renting a basement apartment is that it is affordable. The main reason behind this is that basement apartments are not considered desirable; therefore, they are often put on the market for cheaper rents. It does not mean that they are the only affordable option. Some people even explore apartments for rent in JVC, which are also quite affordable according to the benefits they offer to tenants.
Higher Privacy
The basements apartments often come with separate entrance, which is usually on the backside of the building. So, it offers you more privacy, and you will not bump into other people sharing the building. Moreover, the smaller windows limit noise and outside distractions, which will also improve your privacy.
Other exciting pros of basement apartments are that they are more spacious than the regular types of apartments. They are often constructed in the style of studio apartments. So, you have a wider range of options and choices for decorating your living space according to your ideals and ease.
Cooler Temperature
The most convincing pros of renting a basement apartment are that they have a cooler temperature. The sunlight often does not hit the place directly, due to which the temperature is cooler than other apartments located in the same building. By renting basement apartments, you can even save up your air conditioning cost.
Top 4 Cons of Renting Basement Apartments You Should Watch Out
Everything has a few cons in addition to the pros in life. You might miss the dangers or disadvantages while only looking for the advantages. Basement apartments are no exception. So, you must look at both sides before finalizing your decision.
Here are the major cons of renting basement apartments you should watch out for.
Often Lack Natural Light
The greatest con of renting basement apartments is that they often lack natural light. The windows are limited and small due to which direct sunlight does not come in. you might have to face an increase in electricity bills due to higher dependence on artificial lights. Less exposure to direct sunlight can also impact your health negatively.
Might Be Insecure
As the entrances of basement units are located on the backside of buildings, they are often less protected. The areas on the back are also less crowded, which makes it an ideal location for criminal activities. So, you need to watch out for the security measurements before renting a basement apartment.
Higher Pest Potential
The absence of direct sunlight can make the basement apartment damp, moist, and humid. Due to such conditions, they offer an ideal atmosphere for the production of pests. It is even more common in the units which are closed for a higher period of time. So, watch the pest potential before moving into basement apartments.
Risk of Floods
Lastly, one of the most hassled cons of renting basement apartments is the risk of floods. Even in case of heavy rainfall, the water will move faster to the below ground level and may cause damage to your luggage and essentials.
So, you can explore apartments for rent in JVC that are free of such issues and promise a comfortable and peaceful living experience.
What’s your call?
After reviewing the pros and cons of basement apartments, you must have made your mind. However, remember that not all basement apartments offer the pros or cons. So, these are some of the few things you can expect. Whatever your call is, hire professional real estate services to explore the ideal places and decide only after visiting them.