
Writing tips
Determining the target audience: One of the important studies to be done during the preparation phase is to determine the target audience. Having knowledge about the target audience helps the author in creating the content. Because the presence of expressions that are missing or disturbing the target audience in the article may cause the author to face a reaction (Akyol, 2016:110).
Determine the types of writing: Subject, purpose, and type of font should be determined after determining the target audience. Determining the type of writing is an extremely important process for organizing the information obtained on the subject and transferring this information to the text. Because each type of writing has its characteristics. For example, write my essay for me a text whose purpose is to provide information should be written according to the characteristics of informative texts.
Putting forward and organizing thoughts on the subject: The final work to be done in the preparation phase is to reveal and organize thoughts on the subject. Here, the author details his subject by reading previous works, watching movies if any, consulting experts, and using various methods and techniques. Separates ideas that are appropriate and inappropriate to the topic. He determines the places he will focus on in his article and starts to create the article after all these processes.
Creating the Post
After the preparatory work is completed, the information obtained is brought together and the article is created. At this stage, it can be difficult to transfer information and thoughts to writing. Because writing occurs as a result of physically and mentally complex processes (Güneş, 2017: 158). For this reason, at this stage, it is not possible to create a perfect text in one go.
While examining the drafts at the stage of writing the article, first of all, the focus should be on words, sentences, and expression. Spelling and punctuation should be checked in the next steps. In other words, the content of the text should be given importance rather than the mechanical dimension (Yıldız, 2018: 8), and attention should be paid to the logical order to understand the text and create a good meaning. “Logical organization helps to understand the writing, the concepts explained, and the ideas emphasized. The logical order of the text consists of the elements that make up the text, pay for essay the connection of the elements with each other, and the structure that facilitates understanding. That is, it consists of words, sentences, text, and their interconnection. (Sun, 2017: 178). Giving this order well in a text ensures that the text is consistent.
After the draft is created, the author should take a break for a while to see his mistakes (Şimşek, 2015:2562). After this break, the correction stage should be started to make the article more qualified.
The correction phase is the phase where the text is reviewed and the deficiencies are identified and corrected. Erdoğan (2012 as cited in Kurt, 2019), on the other hand, defines this stage as “re-reading and re-reading the written text, in other words, the stage in which the quality of the writing is increased”. The author can do the editing himself, or he can get help from a specialist.
During the editing phase, the text is read many times by the writer or the expert person/persons. Information and thoughts that do not contribute to the writing during reading are removed from the article and the information that should be included in the article is added instead (Bahar, 2014). It is checked whether there is semantic integrity in the text, and if any, spelling mistakes are corrected (Karatay, 2014:37).
After this stage, in which the article is examined and corrected in terms of content, spelling, and punctuation, the author should present the sources he has used throughout the process to turn his text into a scientific text, and a bibliography section should be prepared at the end of the article.
3.2.4. Bibliography Preparation
In academic articles, previous studies are used to increase the credibility of the information and ideas reached on the subject, to turn the article into an academic article, and to ensure reliability. Therefore, citing sources in academic writings and preparing a bibliography is a very important issue in terms of scientific ethics.
While citing references in academic articles, the rules of the American Psychological Association, which is called APA for short, are used. APA was created by the American Psychological Association (Binici, 2013:412).
The bibliography is an important element in academic writings and publications (Yuksekkaya, 2012) and it is the section at the end of the text where the sources used are listed according to a certain system. Resources in this section; Premium Essay single-author, two-author, multiple-author, thesis, article, etc. are prepared to take into account its characteristics.
Below are examples prepared according to APA. Examine these examples by paying attention to the way they are prepared.