
Write a personal description -
Competency expectation: The students write their own informative, descriptive texts - e.g. B. to fictional characters from children's books or real people - and pay attention to a logical arrangement of the information.
Search report and profile - which features are important?
The introduction begins orally in the group: the children playfully develop the relevant characteristics for a description of a person. From these characteristics, Write my essay they develop a writing plan. This is z. B. a detective topic.
Tick options are given here to familiarize the children with the vocabulary used to describe the person.
Task: Each child writes a profile about themselves, writing their name on the back. Then the leaves are collected, mixed, and redistributed. Now the second task is to find out who wrote it by reading the features.
Prepare personal description - how do I get started?
Using various sample images, the children learn and practice the structured approach that is important for preparing each description of a person.
This is how the instructions for the students can look like:
Image viewing: First, we consider the image of our person extensively and note down all the details that strike us. The point here is to recognize every feature. Viewing the image can take a few minutes. We must note down even the smallest characteristics of the person so that they are not forgotten afterward.
Structure of the personal description: We sort the keywords and use them to create an approximate structure of the personal description, which already contains all the important characteristics of our person. This enables us to ensure that we do not forget any details in the personal description and that we do not name any characteristics twice later.
Write a personal description - which order makes sense?
When describing a person, we go from the big to the small, that is, we work our way from the obvious characteristics to the inconspicuous details. It is important to follow a logical sequence. We describe the person from head to toe, i.e. from top to bottom. In this way, a reader can safely follow our explanations and is not confused because his / her ideas have to jump back and forth.
Relevant characteristics are summarized here in groups. The colors are used for orientation so that the children can memorize the order more easily. You can refer to it over and over again throughout the lesson.
After we have sorted the external characteristics - like keywords, in a mind map or table - we start writing our description. In the introduction, Do my essay we name general characteristics such as name, gender, age, and occupation, as far as we have this information (from a text). Then come the external characteristics, starting with body size and shape.
The first sentence could be: “Lena is a fourth-grade student.” This means that Lena is a girl and roughly how old she is.
So that not all sentences start the same, with "Lena is ..." and "Lena has ...", we try to find other points of entry, e.g. B. “Your figure is delicate.”
Then we start with the head - the hair and the face. Then comes the clothing and, finally, the special characteristics of the person.
You can equip this template for a person description with different images. Drawings or photos, portraits, or full-body representations are possible - depending on your needs. The sheet is used for keyword writing as well as for practicing an essay.
Collection of words for describing persons
When students know the order in which they describe people, their vocabulary should be expanded. In particular, finding suitable and finely tuned expressions for describing faces is usually more difficult for children than describing clothing.
Start with a joint word-finding phase. Then the children are given the task of working in groups to collect as diverse a range of adjectives as possible on individual areas of the description of the person: hair and hairstyles, face shape, eye shape and brows, nose shape, Buy essay online or the shape of the mouth.