
WhatsApp status video - Video Statuses | 4k Video Status
New WhatsApp Status
Social media has become an essential part of day-to-day life in this technology-friendly era. Updating a WhatsApp Status gives your contacts a small glimpse into your life. However, creating a WhatsApp status can be difficult, so we have put together some of the best WhatsApp Statuses.
WhatsApp statuses can be text, photos, or videos, usually including some kind of quote or phrase. They work on all devices, so you can inspire every one of your contacts, no matter where they are!
Funny WhatsApp Status - Comedy Status
Sometimes a person may feel the need to share a funny WhatsApp status. Now and then, everyone needs to enjoy laughter in life! And sometimes, funny statuses get shared further, so they put a smile on more faces than intended.
Single Funny WhatsApp Status is a way to make others Laugh. It is an expression, written particularly and in an exact way to show your views, ideas, and feelings creatively. WhatsApp status shows how uniquely and ingeniously you may put your thoughts into words. Here is a collection of Funny statuses for WhatsApp.
Updating the Funny status of WhatsApp or altering it sometimes defines your way of life or manner towards life. Moreover this, updating standing is thought-provoking and can be fun, if you can handle it smartly and neatly. There are various kinds of Funny WhatsApp Statuses that one can use, as per their comfort.
● Life is too short to be serious all the time. So if you can’t laugh at yourself, call me I will laugh at you.
● The world could be amazing when you are slightly strange.
● My secret talent is getting tired without doing anything.
● The new way of forgetting your past is by deleting your chats.
● 204 countries, 805 Islands, 7 seas, 7+ Billion people and I’m still single.
● Hey there, I’m using my parents.
● A really cool feature of the Nano they don’t tell you about is that even beggars ignore you at a traffic signal. Relaxing facility.
● Men have feelings too. For example, we feel hungry.
Breakup Status - Sad Status
When we love someone and they leave us alone or broke up the relationship, at that time we feel very sad and alone. It’s too hard to forget someone when we love him/her too much. In this article, we are going to share some Sad Statuses, Alone Statuses & Breakup Status for Whatsapp. If you want to express your sadness in words, then you can use our Sad Love Status or very Alone status on Whatsapp. you can also use Sad Breakup Status on your Whatsapp. In this article, you will find various types of Sad status or Alone Status. Lots of websites are already shared Love Sad Status & Alone Status. So, Choose the best status which suits your feeling and use it on Whatsapp.
Nature Feeling - Inspiring
WhatsApp Video Nature is the expensive creation of God, yet it’s his property. Humans should not play with nature; instead, they praise its beauty. In case you are a nature lover, aware people of the value of nature with our collection of inspiring nature WhatsApp statuses through several social media, especially on WhatsApp.
If you appreciate nature, you are gonna find beauty everywhere. It’s better to fall in love with nature than with a human being. Your beauty enhances a little more each time you love nature. I have fallen in love with the creation. Looking deep into nature will make you understand the realm of creation. Obey nature. It’s the QUEEN of the world. Nature taught us that we could be beautiful with or without perfection. Beauty lies within imperfection that makes everything perfect. Look at NATURE!
Best Motivational Thought
This is a collection of the Best Motivational Statuses for WhatsApp. If you are looking for a status that touches your heart, then check our collection of Friendship Status for WhatsApp.
● The harder you fall, the higher you bounce.
● Regretting for wasted time is more waste of time.
● Be courageous to act and leave the talking to others.
● Dear past, Thank you for all the lessons. Dear future, I’m ready.
● Those who stand before God can stand up before anybody.
● success is very simple…..By doing small things at the right time…
● I am not failed, my success is postponed.
● Failure means you didn’t try your best.
● Your HARDEST TIMES often lead to the greatest moments of your life.
●, Whatever happens, is for good
● I have found that if you love life, life will love you back.
● Wish You Were Here.
● Be Happy. Be Bright. And Be Happy.
● Empty mind it is like a devil's mind.
● Accept the fact, what is done, is done
● Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.
● If music is the food of love, play on.
● Even a dead clock shows the correct time twice a day. Be Positive.
● It Costs $0.00 To Be a Decent Human Being.