
If you have tried to reduce fat by going on a diet or taking exercise but the result is unsatisfactory, it is time that you consider another approach.
Many non-invasive fat-reducing approaches promise to help reduce unwanted fat, which begs the question as to whether the ultrasonic cavitation machine is effective. The answer is positive. This machine delivers reliable and measurable results. Using a tape measure or a mirror can find out to what degree your waistline has been trimmed down. But please remember, it is only suitable for some areas of your body and you won’t see overnight results. Be patient. You just need to wait for about several weeks or months before the arrival of satisfactory results. Due to factors such as health condition and build, the effect and even its duration one observes will different from another.
This machine works to produce ultrasonic waves acting on deep skin to decompose adipose cells. And then your lymphatic system will dispose of them as waste. People under the age of 18 are recommended not to use this machine. People who are pregnant or suffer from epilepsy, hypertension, diabetes and cancer should not take this treatment.
The ultrasonic cavitation machine is usually dubbed as a replacement for liposuction because it is a non-invasive fat-reducing and body-shaping treatment. 40k machine uses low-intensity ultrasonic waves to decompose adipose cells, causing no damages to surrounding tissue at the same time. After these cells are liquefied, they will be removed through the normal waste disposal mechanism of your body. It can be used on almost every part of your body such as abdomen, leg and hips. Different from liposuction, this treatment is non-surgical, which means anaesthetic and bandages are not needed. And even it won’t result in any damages to your body.
60k cavitation treatment is a non-surgical and non-invasive body-shaping approach, which can reduce cellulite on abdomen, hips, arms and thighs and remove stubborn fat accumulation on some areas. Apart from the effects of reducing fat, promoting collage regeneration, firming skin and accelerating metabolism, this machine adopts unoisetion 2.0 technology to bring you better experience, which can meet the very needs you have.
A common misunderstanding of ultrasound waves is the higher the frequency is, the stronger the energy will be. It is actually not the case. Here is a simple explanation for that: if you clap your hands 25 times in one minute, you can do it slowly, firmly and loudly. And if you are asked to clap your hands 40, 50 or even 60 times in one minutes, you must do it very quickly but gently. Ultrasonic wave with 25Khz frequency(vibrate 25,000 times per second) can emit stronger energy that has higher penetrating ability though in a slow way. It is an ideal cavitation ultrasonic wave.
For domestic use, 60k cavitation machine can meet your needs. And for beauty salons, 40k and even 30k machine is a better option for them. Ultrasonic waves can penetrate skin, making vacuums form around fat layer. Adipose cells will burst as those vacuums burst. Fat will be decomposed into fat acid and other substances, which will be removed through normal waste disposal mechanism of our body. Most fat-reducing machines promise to get you rid of fat, yet the promised effect will be temporary and even not attainable at all if you do not keep a healthy diet and take necessary exercise.
Using this machine to reduce fat is not as easy as a walk in the park. You have to keep your promise, by which better results are guaranteed. You have to keep a healthy diet, drink plenty of water and take regular exercise. More water can promote the removal of fat acid. You may see the effect just after one treatment. But normally, most people have to take a series of treatments before they get their satisfactory results.
Can’t wait to have a try? Just contact us!