Top job opportunities after masters in MBA
Top job opportunities after masters in MBA
K R Mangalam university offers the best MBA course in Delhi NCR. Checkout the benefits of pursuing an MBA

MBA or Masters in Business Administration is a sought-after course. Before pursuing this course a question comes up to the mind of aspirants “what are the scopes in MBA”. Yes, there are many career scopes one can follow after masters in MBA.


This Blog Talks About Job Opportunities and Scope After MBA In 2022.


Career Benefits of pursuing MBA In 2022


It is a fact, that MBA graduates possess the business skills to face any kind of problem in the market. They have strong entrepreneurship skills, management skills, analytical skills and problem-solving skills which build them as a more employable individual. In simple words, they are the ideal candidates for a job profile in the corporate world. MBA can only be pursued with a specialisation which is another important benefit of pursuing an MBA in terms of a strong career base.


If someone graduates with MBA Degree his career graph is most likely to go in an upward direction.

  1. Higher Chances Of Promotion

As I have already told you how skillful an MBA graduate is. For example, they have excellent networking skills which is indeed extremely useful to expand the business of an organization. These are the reason behind the high chances of promotion.

  1. Raise In Income

Generally, It is noticeable that the more skilled and productive you are the higher the chances of a jump in salary. Compared to others a graduate with MBA has a better chance of raise in salary over a short period of time. 

  1. Probability To Become an Entrepreneur

An MBA graduate holds the perfect knowledge to open their own business or start-up to become a self-made entrepreneur. They have all the necessary qualities to run a business smoothly and efficiently without messing up things.


MBA Job Opportunities In 2022


This is a flourishing field that can not possibly run out of jobs even in the future. Like in today’s world a lot of management and finance jobs are generated because of rising new startups and the global expansion of businesses. Take India as an example and now just see the new spreading thoughts of becoming entrepreneurs among the population. Also, you can take Shark Tank as a case and ask yourself why does it become so popular. These reasons have caused a notion of becoming entrepreneurs among many in this country. Eventually, this will lead to a rise in job opportunities in India and also overseas.


Best MBA Career Options in 2022


MBA graduates are eligible for many job opportunities in various organisations and sectors such as Financial companies, Security firms, IT sectors, marketing, media and so on. Thus, these are the prominent benefits of pursuing MBA. There is a wide pool of career scopes after an MBA one can dive into.


  • Data Analyst

  • Marketing Research Analyst

  • Product Manager

  • Brand Manager

  • Media Planner

  • Internet Marketing Manager

  • Risk Manager

  • Management Analyst

  • Financial Manager

  • HR Manager

  • IT Manager

  • Marketing Manager

  • Financial Advisor


How Much you can earn 


Usually, salaries are directly proportional to the skills and qualifications. As an MBA fresher in India, you can expect an annual package between 2.5 lacs to 5 lacs which will likely jump higher as you gain more experience. The salaries can also be lucrative in nature which depends on various factors such as skills, productivity, job role, designation and organisation.

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