
Jain International Residential School
Jain International Residential School (JIRS) wasfounded in the year 1999 by JGI Group. By over two decades in the educationindustry, it has set the highest standard of academic achievement, intellectualgrowth, ethical awareness, behavior and sportsmanship among the students. Themission was not only to prepare students for further education but also toprovide them an experience which goes far more beyond the college requirementslike addressing important personal aspects of growth and maturity. Theacademics and sports at JIRS go hand in hand as we believe that students shouldnot only be academically strong but also be physically strong and active. Equalimportance is given to both academics and sports. It offers a wide range ofindoor, outdoor and performing arts activities. JIRS is ranked no. 1 among thetop Boarding Schools in India for Academic Reputation, Sports Education,Holistic Development and Infrastructure provision by Education Today. It isalso ranked no. 2 among the top Co-Ed Boarding Schools by Education WorldMagazine. It has always been known and awarded for the world class amenities,school infrastructure, Safety, Hygiene, Sports Education and Pastoral Care. Itis affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) and is also now anISO 9001:2008 Certificate International Residential School by United KingdomAccreditation Service (UKAS). JIRS is one of the best schools in Bangalore withworld class constructed campus in Kanakapura Road, Bengaluru. Founded in 1999by JGI, JIRS aims include the holistic development of students from grade IV toXII by enriching the quality of life. A co-educational, residential school ofmore than 750 students, we set the highest standards of academic achievement,intellectual growth, ethical awareness, behaviour, sportsmanship and other goodqualities to our students.
Among the top-best International ResidentialSchools in Bangalore, Jain International Residential School has a real sense ofresponsibility to making young minds resilient, motivated and resourceful.Founded by Dr Chenraj Roychand in 1999, Jain International Residential Schoolis rooted in tradition though, makes the student community thrive with theever-changing world and grow within to create a global impact.
Integrity, responsibility and commitment form thevery foundational values of our school. In line with this ethos, we develop inevery student a sense of self-belief that would help lay a strong foundationfor their successful career ahead. Even after two decades, JIRS is guided bytruly distinguished leaders, teachers and administrators who through bothturbulent and exciting times have stirred this venerable institution to be aperfect choice for the new generation of learners.
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