
The best IB schools in Noida get a number of admission inquiries fromparents who understand the benefits of primary year programme (PYP) offered bythe IB board and want their children to join this course early. Even if a younglearner has completed pre-primary education from another school, she can beenrolled for the PYP in an IB or Cambridge international school that provides the course.
In addition to theconcepts to be taught in different grades, the PYP framework enables learnersto develop better skills and attitude for all the subjects that they study inschool.
The course comprises sixtransdisciplinary themes and PYP students from a Cambridge School in Noida participate in activities related to eachone of them. These themes are integral to their studies and include:
1. Who We Are
As an inquiry into self,the unit helps children to be better acquainted with their beliefs and values.To emphasise on the idea of ‘Who we are’, teachers assign activities thatdevelop physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health of learners. Thechildren also learn about human relationships, communities, and cultures. Thistheme helps them to understand their rights and responsibilities as humans.
2. Where We Are in Place andTime
This is about anexploration of our orientation in place and time. The students learn aboutpersonal histories and civilizations. They delve into how humans made myriaddiscoveries through time, their explorations and migrations between places. Thetheme is also about the interconnectedness between individuals and communities– it views them from both local and global perspectives.
3. How We Express Ourselves
Under the theme of ‘How weexpress ourselves’, PYP students of the bestschools in Noida inquire into the ways that help them discover and expressideas. They learn about conveying feelings, beliefs and values through languageand arts. This unit also allows them to reflect upon and enhance theircreativity while appreciating aesthetics.
4. How the World Works
It’s a unit where learnerscomprehend our planet and its laws. It teaches them about interactions betweenthe physical / biological world and the societies in which they live. Thechildren become more aware of natural phenomenon and manmade trends, includinghow humans leverage their knowledge of scientific principles. This unit alsoteaches them about the impact of technology on environment.
5. How We Organise Ourselves
When students focus on thetheme of ‘how we organise ourselves’, they inquire into the interconnectednessof human-made systems and communities. They are familiarised with structuresand functions of organisations. The unit also teaches them about societaldecision-making, economic activities and how they affect the environment. Teachers can assign projects and learningactivities related to cleanliness and recycling under this transdisciplinaryunit of the PYP programme.
6. Sharing the Planet
The unit involvesinquiries into the rights and responsibilities of humans as they share thefinite resources of planet earth with other people, animals and plants. Itteaches them about peaceful co-existence and conflict resolution. Like someother units of the PYP framework, it is also about relationships within andbetween communities.
Summing up
When you are looking for the best senior secondary school in Noida foryour child’s admission, your friends will often recommend an IB school. Fromits primary year programme to the IB courses in the secondary section, such aninstitution indeed offers quality education that the next-generation citizensneed to thrive in a dynamic world.
Author bio - The Noida based campus of Amity Global School was established in the 2010 and hasbeen helping young scholars imbibe the virtues of holistic education year afteryear. A disciplined approach to academics, sports and extra-curricularactivities is the hallmark of the institution.