SEO For Startups: 5 Steps to Build Your Online Presence
SEO For Startups: 5 Steps to Build Your Online Presence
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is one thing that is often ignored or underutilised in Startups. Why?

SEO For Startups: 5 Steps to Build Your Online Presence

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Because there are many other challenging things to do like building a company, developing products, drafting a marketing plan, and starting with the sales. Amidst all this chaos, SEO for small businesses – a strategy that requires time or expertise is often kept on the side-lines.

But once these start-up businesses reach a certain point; they realise they have been waiting too long. SEO is the first step to capture the digital world. Along with these, the other benefits of SEO for small businesses are:

Helps in scaling customer acquisition

It is cost-effective

The search engine has more market base than ever

Helps in building in controlling reputation

With that being said, let’s check how you achieve SEO benefits in long run by implementing these 5 simple steps.

Define Your Objectives

Although you might think search engine rankings is the only goal of SEO, that isn’t true. To need to look beyond it.

Define a clear SEO goal before you sit down to form a strategy. Knowing your objectives right at the start can help you in the long run. As a rule of thumb, it is better to align the SEO goals with your marketing and business ones. This means your SEO goals would be one among the following:

Increasing organic traffic

Lead generation

Brand awareness


Customer service

Reputation management

While you set your goals, make sure that they are measurable and definitive.

For example, rather than setting a goal as ‘more website visitors’, you can go ahead and set the goal as ‘double the number of website visitors in the next quarter’.

Keyword Research

The next thing you should look ahead at is the keyword research. Run basic research on all the popular keywords that align with your niche. But that gives you only the list of popular keywords, which will definitely be hard to crack. So, go a step forward and use keyword research tools to find the long-tail keywords that can work in your favour.

No matter what method you use to do your research, your ultimate motive for doing this research should be:

Keywords that are relevant to your target audience searches.

Keywords that are relevant to your brand and product/service.

Keywords that fall under your budget when you think of PPC or paid marketing services. In short, less-competitive keywords.

Now that you have a list of target keywords, it’s time to think about using them in your content and planning the content marketing strategy.

Content Planning

When it comes to SEO content, you might think of the good old saying of stuffing keywords in the content. But that doesn’t work anymore. Google has become smarter, and therefore, you cannot anymore fool it.

Now, you have to create high-quality content that actually helps your visitors. Some important points that I would like to highlight are:

Include your target keywords naturally in the content.

Makes sure that you check the search intent of the keyword before creating the content.

The content you create should be either better than your competitors or written from a different angle that your audience may appreciate.

Optimise the content for visitors as well as the search engine.

Technical Optimisation

The next step is to get a bit technical. Without technical optimisation of your website, it is as good as zero efforts in the field of SEO. So, it’s high time you pay at least basic attention to the technical aspects. The main two goals over here should be:

Making sure Google can access, index, and understand your website.

Improving user experience for your visitors.

A detailed technical optimisation can be a bit overwhelming for you especially as a beginner. So, I am just going to make a note of the ‘must’ technical factors for you.

XML sitemap

Title tags

Meta description

Heading and subheading

Page load speed


Crawl errors


Link Building

Now that you have covered all the basic needs, it’s time to broaden your horizon. Look into the link building concept as the gives you an instant boost in search engine rankings. It is also known as off-page SEO, which is basically getting backlinks to your website. They act as a vote of confidence towards you.

How can you get backlinks?

Write high-quality content.

Give people a reason to link to you.

Collaborate with other businesses in your niche.

Be active on all the social media pages you have.

Local citations and directories can work great for brick-and-mortar companies.


SEO can be overwhelming, especially if you are starting new. But just follow the steps above and you can find yourself at a better place than you were at before. And in the future, you can learn the intermediate-level skills and level up your SEO skills to rank higher on the digital platform.

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