
There was a time when you would find bulky files in government offices, they tend to be unorganized, and many more. But as we are reaching the 21st century things are going towards digitalization, ready to move, technology on tips etc. Now you can pay your bills, secure your certificates, do your financial transactions on device memory or on a server. Today when we are going for registration on government website, generally they confirm our registration after confirming OTP (one time password) sending on our mobile phone. Are you able to understand What will be the future of upcoming years in the government sector? If not then here you can get an idea about it.
From Primary Education to higher education, either you are in a small primary school. You will find a mobile application which records all the necessary details of every student, teacher and even property related to the school. On the other hand Today the Al has become very popular worldwide. The era is known as the era of Artificial Intelligence. So what Al is? Al is a simulation of natural intelligence in machines that has the capability to think, mimic and execute tasks like humans. It is a continuously growing area. It can be applied in various sectors like healthcare, agriculture, retail, transportation, banking, oil and gas etc. for different purposes. Data Science and Machine learning are the branches of Al which learns from data, finds patterns and makes decisions. Some examples of Artificial Intelligence include self-driving cars, computers that play chess, credit card fraud detection, automation and robotics to help farmers to find out more effective ways to protect their crops from weeds.
At the crux of the above statements is the necessity of being computer science aware is not only necessary but also being a balanced expert in computer science mobile Friendly will become necessary for the government employees. At the time of Covid-19 vaccination every one saw the power of technology. Your certificate of vaccination, makes your organization a vaccinated organization. People can easily track the slot or availability of vaccine as near as possible. So many government examinations make changes in their eligibility criteria such as required CCC certificate or “O” level certificates etc. Means in near future state as well central government want only candidates who have active hands on technology, or those are mobile/computer friendly.
Students who are interested in computer science and information technology are having very bright futures without any confusion. They should start working hard to learn more and more about the basics of computer science under the guidance of well qualified teachers and a well tech savvy learning environment. Today some institutes provide bachelor degrees in computer application, degree in Computer science Artificial Intelligence and many more. Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA) is a three year undergraduate degree program in the field of computer applications. This technical degree prepares the students for a career in the field of computer applications and software development, Web development etc. The broad objective of the curriculum is to prepare the students for productive careers in the software industry. The emphasis is on the application of software technology to solve mathematical, computing, communications/networking and commercial problems. This Bachelor’s Degree follows the semester approach in mind. The first year courses are aimed at basic understanding of working of computers using various technologies, the second year is more focused on core courses and computer languages providing a conceptual framework to the students and the third year provides the specialization and the project work, which leads them to the practical approach.
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