
PGDM in Advertising and Marketing
All current innovation in marketing is through digital channels. This course is an attempt to demonstrate the power of applying digital concepts across the marketing function in any business. It will help the students to harness the power of digital marketing as a core driver of the marketing strategy for a company. This course focuses on the various aspects of digital marketing, combining the technical and marketing concepts for an efficient campaign. The course also provides an opportunity to the students to demonstrate their digital marketing skills by creating a digital campaign.
Retail Management
Retailing is a dynamic and ever changing industry with significant growth worldwide. Emergence of e-retailing, mergers and acquisitions, new technologies affect how merchandise may be sold and managed, and new types of retailing establishments.
Objective of this course is to
Keep you abreast of changes and give you exposure to types of decisions facing traditional retail buyers, managers, owners and retailers
Understand retailing trends, technology and various operational aspects
As potential marketing manager, give insight into retailing environment and allow to make informed decisions in your interaction with retailers
Provide foundation for those interested in owning or running small retail business or those interested in pursuing retail career as merchandise buyer or store manager
Sales is the life blood of any organization. Sales revenues are directly linked to earnings, cash flow and profits. Hence, it is essential for managers to have a clear working knowledge of sales and sales management as a business function. There was a time when sales was associated with con man ship and was looked down upon as a profession and business function. However, with changing times, there is immense competitive pressure on all organizations. Customers are becoming more demanding and are spoilt for choice. In this scenario, sales has to play an ever increasing role to pull the customer towards their product. Sales has evolved over the decade from having just a casual approach to being completely process oriented
In the B2B scenario, business customers are looking at vendors as their partners, helping them in their progress. So sales and sales management also has to evolve to fulfill this role. Sales management has to follow the steps of the management process – planning, organizing, motivating and control for enduring success. The purpose of this course is to enable students to understand the connection between personal selling and sales management. Students will go through the various tasks of sales management and will learn to apply that knowledge in actual situations.
Having completed the basic course in Marketing Management, it is time to know about other components/ activities of marketing in more detail. One of the most visible activities of marketing to the consumer is Marketing Communication (or Integrated Marketing Communication).
At the outset it is time to break some of the myths surrounding this subject.
"It is all about advertising and got to do with creativity and showmanship"
"You don’t need an MBA/PGDM to pursue a career in advertising/Marketing Communication"
"Promotions are a waste of money because there are brands which have been successful without it"
"Marketing communication should increase sales"
Not all of this is true because it is a very myopic viewpoint without understanding the value of Marketing Communication.
It also needs to be emphasized that this course will not teach you the creativity part of Marketing Communication. This course deals with the decision making and strategic analysis tools linking it to marketing. Of course being creative is an asset. Creative skills such as copy writing, script writing, music, jingles etc. were carried out by people after receiving the brief from Brand/ Marketing executives. This course will throw light on what are the components of an “Effective” communication are. You will also learn about the strategic role of the communication mix on how to mould public opinion using PR ( or rather what should one say and not say to the media - A major reason attributed for NANO not realising its full potential in sales is due to its Marketing communication failure i.e., positioning).
Although advertisements have an entertainment value which is visible to a layman, as a student of MBA/PGDM, it goes without saying that the primary objectives are to enable/solve some of the issues related to marketing effectively. A bad product or distribution or price cannot be solved by advertisements or any other forms of communication.
This course will equip you with understanding the roles of media planning/ strategy, sales promotion techniques, preparing a creative brief, and execution strategy. You will also get to know briefly how advertisers and advertising firms operate. The concept of “brand management” in a firm will give you an understanding of real time marketing. The ethical dimensions of Marketing Communication will also be explored.
This course will also help you to consider a career in Marketing Communication. All concepts learnt from the text book will be supplemented by true industry examples. The best way to learn this course is by applying the concepts from every module, both constructively as well as critically.
Course Overview with respect to India
Understand India’s FDI policies in Multi-brand & Single-brand Retail
Industrial markets tend to differ from consumer markets in aspects such as number and size of buyers, demand and buying patterns. The impact of these differences from consumer markets will be discussed during the course and suitable marketing tools analyzed. Business companies are, for example, often depend on a limited number of counterparts for a large portion of their purchases and sales, which makes interaction with customers and suppliers an often appropriate strategy. During the course we will touch upon various marketing aspects relevant for industrial markets, including relationships, industrial networks, distribution and technological development.
Current global economy has a lot going on for services marketing. And today’s marketers also realize the growing need of services run global economy requires a fundamentally different way of operating the business when compared to producing and selling goods. This is due to the very intangible nature of services which impacts their conception, design, communication, delivery, purchase and consumption. Other characteristics of services like heterogeneity, perishability and simultaneity also increase the complexities of management and require greater integration of the traditionally distinct organizational functions of marketing, human resources and operations.
Strategy is an inherent part of corporate sector. Global, multinational, domestic, small or medium, all organizations need a direction to survive and grow. Hence, strategy at different levels needs to be understood. Where is the organization standing today, where does it want to reach in the future, what are the different ways it can adopt to reach there, how does the organization know that it has reached its goal – all these questions will be easier to answer with strategic knowledge. In this course, the main focus is on one of the functional areas of strategy –Marketing Strategy. In addition to the importance of marketing strategy, various concepts that will help the organization to develop and maintain profitable customer relationship, is the ultimate aim.
Globalization is increasing in all spheres of business. From manufacturing to services we are constantly offering a choice of products and services from all over the world. Ironically, products made in the home country are marketed by savvy global firms by using creative marketing strategies. This course endeavours to help students to synthesize the lessons learnt in the first semester marketing management and second semester international business to typical marketing situations faced by firms in the global markets.
This course will also help students to understand the role played by organizations such as WTO etc. while marketing products abroad.
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