
The civil services are one of the most lengthy, comprehensive andcompetitive exams in India with a very low success rate. It is yearlong processconsisting of three stages, Preliminary, the mains examination and theinterview. Therefore, it requires a comprehensive set of qualities which arepre-requisites for cracking the exam.
The Candidates have a few qualities in self for cracking the examlike Good Intelligence quotient (IQ), Good scoring potential, Good readingskills, Good writing skills, Good analytical skills, Focus and determination,Good Emotional Intelligence (EQ).
A Good IQ is the ability to understand concepts and techniques, agood EQ is the ability to understand people and their emotions. Both thesequalities are needed to make a good civil servant.
To be a civil servant average IQ is enough, provided we compensatefor this hard work, smart and reading and writing skills.
One needs to have good scoring potential to succeed in the MPPSCexamination. Usually, the marks obtained in board exams are quite an indicatorof a person’s IQ.
Many people say that success in life is not solely depends on hardwork. It is a mixture of talent, density and luck. Some people feel thatpersons like Einstein or Tendulkar are born like that, with immense god giftedtalent. Some other feels that it is all pre decided whatever has to happen willhappen all the above statements can be true for particular individual sosuccess depends on many factors.
· Hard work
· Talent/aptitude
· Luck/chance
· Marketing/self-promotion
· All the above
Once you have decided to start the preparation for MPPSC, you mustfocus on the examination and forget everything else like Arjuna in Mahabharata,who saw only the eye of the bird that is target though The Tree, the leaves,the branches the sky everything was there. Similarly, we have to cut ourselvesfrom all the possible distraction during the preparation. Focus only on theexam.
One more myth or fear student have about English many hesitate orin fear of speaking English, there is no need to try to master the Englishlanguage but certainly make efforts to improve your grammar, expressions andhandwriting. This can easily be done with some extra efforts. You can consultany MPPSC Coaching expertfor this.
Art and culture (कला एवं संस्कृति) | Nitin Singhania |
Environment & Ecology (पर्यावरण एवं पारिस्थितिकी) | NCERT |
Essay Writing (निबंध द्रष्टि) | निबंध मंजूषा |
The Indian National Movement (भारत का राष्ट्रीय आंदोलन) | Bipin Chandra, NCERT |
Ancient Medieval and Modern History of India (भारत का प्राचीन मध्यकालीन तथा आधुनिक इतिहास) | SK Pandey, NCERT |
General Science (सामान्य विज्ञान) | Lucent, NCERT |
World History (विश्व का इतिहास) | Dinanath Verma, NCERT |
Indian Polity (भारतीय राज व्यवस्था) | M. Laxmikanth, NCERT |
Introduction to the Constitution of India (भारत का संविधान) | Brij Kishore Sharma, NCERT |
World and Geography of India (भारत व विश्व का भूगोल) | Mahesh Barnwal, NCERT |
Indian Economy (भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था) | S. N. Lal, NCERT |
International Relations (अंतराष्ट्रीय सम्बन्ध) | Tapan Biswal |
Current Events (समसामयिक घटनाक्रम) | Pratiyogita Darpan |
This is an essential requirement to crack any competitive exam,first you need set a goal thus goal setting is the first step to timemanagement. A mppsc aspirant have to set short term goals you can set weeklytargets, Daily targets that should be complete in hours like 10, 12 or 14 hoursa day. When I was preparing for MPPSC mains I forget all other things, forgetthe family, postponed spiritual and material quests and focused only on thepreparation.
Worried about how much time to give for preparation? MPPSC mainsis tough examination to crack. whoever told you that this will easy was lying,it's difficult but not impossible to crack. How much time to give for dailystudying solely depends on an individual. It does not depend on the time butrather on the concentration level that you will be putting. Most students whohave higher IQ might have to give just 6 hours of daily studying and they canstill retain most of the stuff, where is some students have to doextraordinarily hard work.
Don't go by the time that your friends are giving to Dailypreparation, try to utilize the time that you are spending on the study, likeArjun whose eyes were on the target you should also study in the same manner.Just see how much time it requires you to fulfil your daily target and then youcan calculate how much time you need to dedicate for your studies.
Answer writing is an important aspect of MPPSC civil servicesexam. While prelims is only the qualifying exam which separates the grain fromthe chaff means serious candidates from non-serious candidates, it's marks arenot added for creating the merit list.
Mains exam is worth 1575 marks spanning over 6 papers four papersof GS, 1 paper of Hindi and 1 paper of essay. The content of the answer is moreimportant than its length.
Answer writing also helps in organizing and prioritizing yourthought process you learn to put forward what exactly is asked and not what youknow. Last but not least writing has in the internalizing information and inbetter retention than only reading. You can join any MPPSCcoaching in indore for mains answer writing practice.
So, for the process part, one should begin by writing answers ofprevious year question papers in addition to give you adequate answer practicethey should help you in understanding the exam pattern and the demand of theexam very well. After finishing with previous years papers, one should starttaking mock test and get them evaluated. Many Online MPPSC Coaching classes areproviding mock tests for practice can join any for your preparation.
1. Immediately after prelims- write four to fivequestions for day start taking weekly topical mock test
2. 2 months before mains start taking full lengthtest
3. A week before mains take three or four fulllength tests at the same time when the mains exam is conducted just to simulateexam conditions.
Handwriting is important but not the most important factor. Youmay or may not get extra marks if you have very good handwriting. but you aresure to lose out, if your handwriting is illegible.
Your handwriting should be readable for this you can do this-
1. Increase the font of your writing generallybigger the font, easier it is to read.
2. Give adequate spacing between lines
3. Start each paragraph from the middle of thepage this will give a good appearance to your answer
4. Underline the keywords this is very essentialespecially if you have a clumsy handwriting there are
1. chances that the evaluator may miss out onthis.
5. Use subheadings to divide your answers.
After my mains exam i starts preparation for interview this time iwas confident i will clear mains as well as interview. I think best way toprepare for mppsc interview is know yourself, explore yourself, preparequestion answers which are likely to be asked in interview, but do not prepareanswers which are not true, don’t fool interviewer, don’t lie in interviewboard, you can prepare for interview in just 20 days (if you faced interviewpreviously) before interview give at least 5 mock interviews. You can joinSharma Academy’s Mock Interview sessions for preparation.
Here, I am telling you the overall strategy to crack the MPPSCState Service Examination in the First attempt. The first attempt of thecandidate is very pivotal and considered to be the very important or goldenattempt as the students are intense for their study in first attempt and mindis in the state of calm.
As the MPPSC syllabus is vast so it needs at least one completeyear planning for any fresher student who is preparing for MPPSC and want tocrack it in first attempt.
There are 3 phases of exam as we discussed above, we need tounderstand the importance of each phase of the exam:
· Preliminary Exam (to test a broad range ofknowledge)
· Mains Exam (to test the depth of yourknowledge and the action of putting into words an idea or feeling.)
· Personality test (to test clarity in yourthoughts, judgement, and nobility in your personality).
As MPPSC is approaching on footsteps of UPSC in asking questions from diversefields, the strategy for Prelims should be a blend of Hard work and Smart workas it is the stage of pure elimination.
Before the start of the Prelims preparation, we need to go throughall the Previous Year Question Papers to understand the coverage and currenttrends of the questions asked. We need to cover all the important events ofpast 10-12 months as Current Affairs playing a decisive role nowadays.
Here is the analysis and sources to be followed for Prelims Paper:
Prelims Paper 1:
GENERAL STUDIES (No. of Questions: 100) (No negative marking);
There are some Core areas from where questions are asked in MainsExamination also and some are Peripheral topics which are asked in Prelimsonly.
Core/Static Subjects:
Integrated preparation with Mains perspective is needed.
6. History
7. Geography
8. Polity
9. Economy
10. Science and Technology
11. Environmental Issues
12. Art and Culture
13. Madhya Pradesh static part
Peripheral Topics:
1. Basic Computer Knowledge: Lucent ComputerBook.
2. Sports-related GK: Ghatna Chakra, PratiyogitaDarpan.
3. 3 Legislations: Bare Act, Mahaveer or PunekarPublication.
4. Miscellany (Longest, Highest, First, Lastetc.): Last Chapter of Lucent GK Book.
5. Current Affairs, Persons in News etc: CurrentMagazine or Google it.
Prelims Paper 2: CSAT, No. of Questions: 100 (No negativemarking);
This Paper is Qualifying nature only and it consists of LogicalReasoning, Quantitative Aptitude and questions from Hindi and English. Althoughno separate time needed to be devoted one should practice at least 2-3 PreviousYear question papers to get a flavour of it.
Important Instructions
Apart from all this give at least 45 days for Prelims exclusivelyfor revising the syllabus and solving as many Practice tests as possible withinthe time limits. For practising MCQs, you can choose Online or Offline in anymode. It is advisable to solve MCQs online to save the time of Answer checkingand getting a comparative analysis of your performance.
· Read the whole syllabus at least one timecompletely, and revise it twice.
· Prepare your own notes don't rely on othersnotes, your thoughts are easy to understand for yourself.
· Make a daily routine from morning till sleepand follow that, schedule should be flexible and give space to yourself also aswith study. Watch movie, enjoy with friends, go for a walk after dinner, youcan do pranayama for relax, keep your mind cool and then study you willdefinitely get success in exam.
· Do practice for answer writing for mains,increase your speed, make handwriting try to write clear and readable easily.