
Learn Astrology and Remedies
One of the yogas where very little information is available and whatever available mostly concentrates on remedial part rather than predictive as until and unless we know the positive and negative effects of any combination- We can\’t really know whether it is harming us or giving us any positive results as well.
As Kaalsarp is a yog which will give you both effects positive and negative during each Dasha and you will realize the importance of this yog as working on this yog from last several months -I see all other yog give results good or bad according to the time planned but this Yog is dreadful -It even affects the House next to it.
Such as If Someone has Rahu in Ascendant then time after time his finance/family he is born in life will keep getting affected due to his harsh speech and in case if any planet sitting next to Lord Rahu significance of that particular planet will keep fluctuating badly on a particular time cycle.
As a lord, Rahu is the king of the chart -without his desire you are not going to get anything in life and as royal he is -He will decide which planet will get how much importance and there are few snapshots you can easily make whenever you see this combo- Similarly when Ketu is in Lagna the story is entirely different and so are the Predictions and remedies.
There are several reasons why someone gets a kaal sarp yog depending on the Sign and disposition of Rahu story will change every time- In case you have Anant Kaal sarp yog where Rahu is in Lagna in the sign of Aries -you have a sin related to brothers/land/helping others as in past life you have not helped brothers properly and depending on your combinations you can see in which area- Similarly you will see this person family will have a combination of unusual early age death either sibling or father or grandfather and now native has returned and in this life, he will be Obsessed to help everyone and still not respected by anyone even after helping as he is paying back dues of past life.
Similarly opposite to this house is Ketu in 7th which shows a detachment from the world but people will drag you down in every matter when you don\’t even want to interact with anyone, You are not interested there when people want you to interact with you or meet you as you are searching for peace inside you.
The house 12th to Ketu is where you will be most accused of things such as 6th house is duties- You will be accused several times of not fulfilling your duties properly, Let us Say Venus placed there so Wife will always say \”You are not worth a husband or wife will accuse or insult native for money\”
When I did the video I received like a flood of emails with confirmations and several stories and I can understand the pain anyone has gone through as sometimes it\’s not in our hands especially with Kaal Sarp Yog -Some combinations are so unavoidable such as Saturn/Mars or Moon in 3rd to Ketu the complete charts just nulls down.
As there are no general remedies for this -Only karmic corrections after understanding and if we understand the remedies -we will understand how deep the connections are for this combination, but there are some remedies that will break this chain completely and make debts over.