
Expert created video lectures, pdf notes, assignments and many more for NCERT Chapter 2 Inverse Trigonometric Functions Class 12 Maths as per Boards (NCERT) book guidelines.
NCERT Chapter 2 Inverse Trigonometric Functions Class 12 Maths
In this self study course, you will learn definition, range, domain, principal value branch, graphs of inverse trigonometric functions and elementary properties of inverse trigonometric functions. For further understanding of concepts and for examination preparation, practice questions based on the above topics are discussed in the form of assignments that have questions from NCERT Textbook exercise, NCERT Examples, Board’s Question Bank, RD Sharma, NCERT Exemplar etc. instead of only one book. The PDF of assignments can be downloaded within the course for NCERT Chapter 2 Inverse Trigonometric Functions Class 12 Maths.
For full syllabus of class 12 maths, please click the below link: