
The aim of theInternational Baccalaureate (IB) programmes followed by the best schools in Noida is to makestudents independent lifelong learners. Self-led learning is the central tenetof the IB and teachers mould children for it from the earliest stages of theprimary year programme (PYP).
As described in IBprospectus, “the PYP nurtures independent and collaborative learners,encouraging every student to have voice, choice and ownership in their ownlearning.” While deploying the PYP, a Cambridgeschool in Delhi-NCR has to develop students’ academic, social and emotionalwellbeing, focusing on international-mindedness and a sense of belonging tolocal and global communities.
The schools around theworld have different cultures, academic segmentations, beliefs and backgrounds.By following the IB programmes they can promote personalised learning stylesthat are necessary to meet specific individual needs and encourage children tobe more responsible as they prepare for a life beyond their schools.
How to encourage self-led learning?
With experience spanningyears, teachers do understand their students the best. However, we can share somebest practices that help to lay stronger foundations for self-led learning inIB schools:
Rethink the classroom environment
To begin with, a thoughtshould be given to rearrange the classroom environment. Whenever a new academicsession begins, students should get a chance to design their own classroomambience with charts, posters, display boards and other learning materials. Bytaking such initiatives students can transform how learning and teaching areviewed. It also improves their academic engagement.
Empower students to become leaders
In flexible learningenvironment students become more confident and teachers can make this happen byasking them to join peer groups and workshops to delve into new concepts. Whenthey are in a group, children become more aware of their strengths andweaknesses. They can also conduct experiments and build models to put theirknowledge into action and then reflect upon their learning to know where theyneed to improve.
Work with transdisciplinary inquiry method
At the best senior secondary school in Noida,you will see teachers encouraging students to get proactive at askingquestions. This begins early in PYPcourses that require children to focus on their learning and think about thereal issues instead of just memorising facts. The concept based learning of IB also allows students to connect theireducation with the world around them. Teachers encourage students to make linksbetween different disciplines and gain understanding of units that are moreconnected to their personal experiences.
Adopt the growth mindset
In any IB programme, teachersmust take on a growth mindset where their class learns, excels and growstogether. They can organise book reading sessions about characters that havefaced challenges in their lives and developed strategies to overcome them.Teachers can also encourage children for goals setting via journaling. Suchmethodologies work more effectively when they are started from a new week,month or year. With self-made goals to inspire them, students can enhance theirself-regulation, grit and make school work more engaging.
Introducing and developingself-directed learning is not difficult. It just needs a broader outlook toteaching and a belief that students can become active learners when theirschools build opportunities to replace conventional learning with knowledgethat makes them future-ready.
Author bio - TheNoida based campus of Amity Global School was established in the 2010 and hasbeen helping young scholars imbibe the virtues of education year after year. Adisciplined approach to academics, sports and extra-curricular activities isthe hallmark of the institution.