
Birst is a native cloud business intelligence (BI) and business analytics platform that helps organizations understand and optimize complex processes in less time than traditional BI solutions. Infor Birst is a cloud business intelligence and analytics platform that helps organizations optimize processes in less time than traditional BI.
Birstis a native cloud business intelligence (BI) and business analytics platformthat helps organizations understand and optimize complex processes in less timethan traditional BI solutions. Infor Birst is a cloud business intelligence andanalytics platform that helps organizations optimize processes in less timethan traditional BI. Birst is designed to empower business people regardless ofprior experience with BI and analytics tools to access, prepare and exploredata on their own, and share their insights without support from an expert.
Pro-Excellency Solution PVT LTD
#2/1, 1st floor ,20th K Cross, Ejipura,
Bangalore- 560047 Karnataka, India
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