
Standard formula operators in Google Sheets
First, let's get to learn the symbols that you would need to create a standard formula, otherwise, the Google Sheets won't work.
· Equals =
· Addition +
· Multiplication *
· Division /
· Subtraction -
· Exponents ^
Now, you can use these basic formulas as well as built-in functions to subtract in Google Sheets. You simply need to implement the formulas and calculate hundreds of equations at a time.
In Google Sheets, you will find a formula bar that works just like the calculator. You need to select a cell, then put the formula in the fx bar and hit the Enter button. Instantly, the selected cell will display the result. In the same way, you can write the mathematical equations and use the parentheses to set the order of the operations. We will discuss all the methods using examples so that it becomes easier for you to understand. Now, let's start with the methods:
1. Subtract cells in Google Sheets
To select a cell you can either select the cell and then type this formula "=A2-B2" or you can also click on the cell to determine the cell reference. Suppose A2 cell has 5 and B2 cell has 3, then it would appear as "=5-3"
Now, to determine the cell reference you need to first input the equals symbol “=”, and then click on the first cell in the equation. Then, put the mathematical symbol for subtraction “-” and click the second cell that you want to use. It would appear something like this "=A2-B2"
In both cases as soon as you hit the Enter key the result will show in the Result cell. Now, for the second method, if you change the values in the reference cell, then the results will get updated automatically in the result cell.
2. Subtract the Percentage
You need to select a cell where the results are going to show, now type equals sign “=” and click on the reference cell that contains a value. Next, input the minus sign “-” and again click on the same reference cell once again.
Next, you have to input the multiplication sign “*” and put any desired percentage, say 5%. The complete formula would appear something like this "=B6-B6*5%". Hit the Enter key to get the result.
3. Subtract the Dates
If you want to determine the elapsed days between two dates, then you can do so in the Google Sheets. You simply need to input the data in the exact format that is recognized by the Google Sheets. There should be two cells filled with the date, one from which you want to subtract the date and the other is the date to be subtracted.
Then, use the subtract formula and put in fx "=B2-A2". Always remember to put the start date in A2 and the end date in B2. So, if you subtract January 10th - January 25th, you will get the result as - 15 days. And, if you want to add the start date in the count, then you need to add +1. Thus, the formula would be "=B2-A2+1". Again, hit the Enter key to get the result in the selected cell.
4. Subtract the Time
There are 4 easy methods to subtract time in the Google Sheets. They might look a bit complex but are quite easy to remember. You can use these methods to subtract hours, minutes and seconds.