How to Promote Your Blog: 21 NEW Strategies | Blog Promotion Ideas
How to Promote Your Blog: 21 NEW Strategies | Blog Promotion Ideas
Question in your mind, how to promote your blog here these 21 strategies that actually worked for me for increasing blog traffic.

How to Promote Your Blog: 21 NEW Strategies | Blog Promotion Ideas

Let’s imagine that you just wrote your brand-new blog, and published it online. What’s next? How do you promote your blog so that people may come to know about it or visit it? That’s exactly what I’ll be talking about here.

So, I did a bit of research and came up with these 21 strategies (that actually worked for me) for increasing traffic to your blog. Let’s get started.

Although we are talking about the promotion after publishing the blog. But there are still several steps one needs to follow even before you hit the publish button. And this is ideally to make the user experience an enjoyable and high-quality one.

A few things you need to take care of are:

To learn about the essential tips for staying alive in the game of high rankings, you can check our checklist for On-page SEO.

Blog promotion is as important as writing a blog. In fact, content marketing experts believe that one should spend as much as 90% of the time promoting the content that you took for writing the content piece. For example, if you took an hour to write down your thoughts, then use at least 54 minutes to promote them.

If still, you are thinking why promote blog or what is the need for blog promotion, then here’s a simple reason for you. Let’s assume you have created a unique, valuable, and high-quality blog. But how will your audience reach your website to appreciate those? This is where blog promotion comes into play:

That being said, what are the different ways to do it. Let’s look at the different strategies to help promote your blog.

Despite what people think about the future of email marketing, email still remains one of the powerful agents to stir some traffic your way. So, let’s start here your promotion for the latest blog.

People are expecting your emails – after all, there’s a reason why they have subscribed to your email list. But that doesn’t mean you just go ahead with the bulk load of emails. Instead, give it a personalised touch.

Some of the tips that can help you with email promotions are:

Social Media Marketing doesn’t actually belong to the ‘new’ strategies list. But seeing how many people underutilise this social channel for blog promotion, I had to include it. To promote a blog on a social media platform does not mean just posting the link. Rather you need a complete strategy for promotion.

Some of the tips that might help you are:

Content curation means promoting content in lists or collections on your social media platform. It means you won’t be posting the entire blog link but just a snapshot of the basics and important information.

There are a few sites where you can curate the content:

Herein, you need to connect with influencers in your niche that influence your target audience. And then, you need to convince them to promote your content. You can genuinely ask them to take a look, and if your work is worthy, your half of the task is already done.

Here are some tips that will help you approach the influencers for promoting your content:

Visual content has a great impact on traffic and attraction, especially when you are dealing with social media platforms. So, simply repurposing your content into a more visual format like infographics or similar forms can lead to a good amount of organic traffic to your page.

Some of the formats you can use to repurpose the content are:

Buzzfeed attracts millions of daily views, and if you can publish your article on their first page, there’s no stopping the exposure you might get. Plus, it’s easier than you think. It has a community section. It publishes crowdsourced content from the users in this area. And if your story is good enough, Buzzfeed will promote the story throughout its social media platform.

Few tips to increase your chances of getting on the first page:

This platform acts as a gold mine to drive organic traffic to your website. But beware as Reddit hates spammers. The essence of promoting a blog on Reddit is that you do not need to market at all. Just give it space and time, and it will bloom into something very beautiful.

Some of the content types that work best on Reddit are:

Quora has gained a huge number of followers in a very short time. In fact, you need to have a Quora marketing strategy  on its own for your content promotion. However, to convert this following into someone who also follows your blog on the website, you need to be cautious and consistent.

If you are looking for a B2B content promotions area, then nothing can be better than LinkedIn. Start by using the LinkedIn publishing platform of the social media platform. However, make sure that your lead magnets and landing page ready before publishing your post here.

Few tips that can help you gain attention here are:

Podcasting allows you to explore and reach a different set of audience altogether. And the most important benefit is that your followers are quite loyal – thanks to internet-connected cars. You can go ahead with websites or platforms that offer both text and audio versions of your content to your audience.

Tips for getting started:

When you write guest posts, it’s not just about the backlinks and SEO factor. But you can also use it for promoting your content by adding a bonuses section in the blog post. Just give them something more for luring them to your website from the original one.

When you choose to go with list posts, it isn’t just a feasible option for skimming the content, but it also helps the Google snippets. In short, it is a win-win situation. Moreover, it is also seen over the years that people prefer sharing listicle content more than any other. Plus, it becomes quite easy to promote the same on social media platform.

Although people say ‘Old is Gold’, but you need to understand that even gold needs polishing from time to time. The same is the case with your old evergreen content. To get some more traffic to that page, just update the content and let the search engine do the rest for you.

Some of the tips that might come in handy are:

A quote in your content makes it easier for people to share it on social media. What’s more? Make sure to limit it within Twitter characters fit. Then simply embed the quote with a tweetable link, and people can simply share the tweet giving you free publicity and more exposure in the digital world.

Another way is to cross-promote your brand. Although you don’t post often on that specific social media, people will often end up following you there. For example, just ask your email subscribers to also follow you on LinkedIn to stay updated with all the posts.

Although you might be looking for a new audience and traffic to visit your webpage by spreading the content all over the digital platform, but wait and think if your existing audience is visiting you. If not, then it’s time to promote them through ads or re-targeting campaigns. You can use your email lists or simply go on to your social media accounts to garner their attention.

User interaction does play a role in the promotion of your blog. Why? Because it allows engagement and interaction letting their followers have a look at the blog too. How can you boost the interaction? Just drop a question and your audience will be ready to offer you suggestions and answers to them.

Create cool visuals or charts for your blog. You might have understood till now that people absorb the information when presented visually quite faster. In fact, they are more likely to share those facts and stats with their friends. Moreover, when you add images to your blog, you don’t only rank on the web searches of Google but also rank on the images searches.

Another method to promote is a giveaway hack. Pick a date and time suitable to you and send it to all your followers. Invite them and tell them what you are planning to give them for what contest. By adding the factor of asking them to write about your services, you will also have a case study handy. And if not, you definitely have got some user interactions.

Videos are hot now and will be five years down the line. So, if you have a popular blog post, just create a video that supports the blog or on similar content. Then link them both together, and voila! You have another blog promotion strategy ready.

Paid marketing is another way to promote your blog, especially if you have less patience and more budget to get your things done.

Some of the options you can use for paid promotions are:

The free blog promotion tactics are good, but they take time. And so, you can also try the paid option once in a while, at least to garner more traffic to the best ones on your website.

That’s all from my side. All of the strategies I have mentioned are tried and tested. So, you can directly dig in and start implementing what suits the best for you. So, let me know which strategy or group of strategies are you planning to use for promoting your blog post and driving traffic to your website.

These are nice tips and trick to promoting blog. I like point number 1 and three more because they helped me a lot getting resul….

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