
Each year lakhs of students registerfor the MPPSC exam, which is conducted by the MP Public Services Council torecruit students for administrative posts of Madhya Pradesh. Every MPPSCaspirant knows that you cannot prepare for Prelims or Mains exclusively.Preparation of both the exams shall go hand in hand. It is also much morecomfortable since the syllabus for both the exams overlap significantly.
Even though the format of both theexams differs, as Prelims is objective exam while the Mains exam is conductedin a subjective manner; experts from the Sharma Academy, the Best MPPSC Coaching in Indore,suggest that students should prepare simultaneously for MPPSC Mains and Prelimsso that they don’t need to study the same topics twice. However, if you havestarted preparing very late, you can skip the topics which are not on thePrelims syllabus and tackle them after the Prelims.
The prelims exam will be based onobjective type questions. But the Main Exam will require candidates to writelong answers in Hindi as well as in English. It is important to be selectiveabout the study material to study smart and save time. Candidates must practisewriting in Hindi and English for essay type questions. The length ofdescriptive type questions will be from 205 words to 1000 words, which willtake time to think and write, so reading about various topics, current eventswill help.
Clearthe MPPSC Exam in first attempt with the Best MPPSC Coaching in Indoreread the points below-
Studyas per the syllabus
Candidates, who are going to appear forthe Civil Services Preliminary Examination, must have clear understanding aboutthe MPPSC prelims syllabus.The Preliminary Examination will consist of two papers of Objective type(multiple choice questions) and carry a maximum of 400 marks. As the prelimswill be objective-type, candidates need not to go too much in details of theprelims. Candidates are advised to read NCERT books from Class 6-10 thoroughlyand solve previous years’ questions.
Clearyour Basics
Candidates should focus onstrengthening their basic knowledge rather than just understanding the entiresubject. For this they know very sources of information, but they should notget confused by referring to so many books.
Candidates are advised to read one ortwo good newspapers daily. Also, browse important news and feature website onceor twice in a day. Read current affairs magazines to keep yourself updated.There are some applications available on mobile phones through which you canplay current affairs quiz.
By solving the mppsc previous year paperscandidates not only understand the level of the examination but also learn howto manage the time in the examination hall. It also gives them a clear idea ofwhich section is to be attempted first in the exam.
Revision is a must, whatever you haveprepared so far, or you have notes for the exam, candidates need to revise thesame at least for three to four times before appearing in the examination. Itis important that no topic should be skipped while revising. Revise everything.
For clearing the aptitude test yourequire intense practice. Main topics for aptitude test are - comprehension,mental ability, logical reasoning, etc.
All the students should note that sleepdeprivation will take you nowhere; so, sleep well on the eve of the examinationand don't go through any book.
All the best!