
The education thatstudents receive between Grade 6 and Grade 10 in India is critical to theiroverall understanding of the disciplines that help them to choose specific streamsfor higher learning – broadly Science, Commerce or Arts.
To help them gather deepknowledge of such subjects without getting into rote learning styles, the best schools in Gurgaon have affiliatedthemselves to the International General Certificate of Secondary Education(IGCSE) Board.
The IGCSE courses offeredat the best Cambridge schools Delhi NCR are broadly divided into twocategories:
§ Forstudents in age group of 11 to 14 years in Class 6 to Class 8 - Cambridge Lower SecondaryCurriculum
§ For studentsin age group of 14 to 16 years on Class 9 to Class 10 - Cambridge IGCSE
Cambridge Lower Secondary Curriculum
At the Cambridge LowerSecondary stage, the curriculum is broad and balanced to help students thriveat academics, sports, and cultural activities. The key subjects includeEnglish, Maths and Science and the focus is on building opportunities thatpromote students’ creativity, communication abilities and wellbeing.
As the IGCSE curriculum is flexible,the best IGCSE Board school in Gurgaon shapesthe academic course for each grade with customised ways that its students canlearn in. The board is internationally recognised and therefore its academiccontent can be adapted to suit the context, traditions and ethos in each country.
The top international schools in Gurgaon are permitted to deliver Cambridge Lower Secondaryeducation in tandem with their national curriculum, or even in the form of abilingual programme.
Cambridge IGCSE Curriculum
There is a variety of routes for studentsfollowing the Cambridge IGCSE curriculum offered in Grades 9 and 10. The coursehas been planned to improve their communication skills and intelligencequotient. It also helps them become more fluent in English language.
The Cambridge schools Delhi NCR can build their own syllabus and mouldit as per the history, literature, geography and political set ups in theircountry. Beginningfrom a base of core IGCSE subjects, it is simple to add new dimensions andcross-curricular viewpoints in the syllabus. The central idea is to encouragestudents to engage with a range of subjects and understand how they areconnected.
The schools affiliated toCambridge IGCSE get the board’s support for developing an agile and interestingcurriculum. The board also provides them optimal resources to make classes moreinteractive and it regularly trains their teachers for skill upgrades.
For the students of IGCSEschools, the board offers platforms that improve their academic performance,develop critical thinking skills, and optimise problem-solving abilities. Thestudents follow enquiry-based learning approach and get a fine springboard toadvance towards more comprehensive learning in Grades 11 and 12.
Cambridge IGCSE has morethan 70 subjects including 30 international languages and Cambridgeschools in Delhi NCR can offer them in any combination to their students.
Primary school in Gurugram for international education
While the learners in Classes 6 to 10get a number of benefits by studying in IGCSE schools, some of theseinstitutions also offer International Baccalaureate (IB) education facilitiesto ensure that younger students develop their knowledge in sync with globalacademic levels. These IB schools inGurgaon have the renowned IB primary year programme (PYP) for the studentsin Nursery to Grade 5. It is known to develop children as caring, activeindividuals in a lifelong journey of learning.
The best IB schools of Gurugram focus on the development of their primarysection students as inquirers in school as also in the world beyond. The PYPdelivers a metamorphic experience for learners, educators and entire schoolcommunities while building excellent through studies that are relevant,engaging, challenging and important.
By offering both IGCSE and IBapproved courses to their students, the international schools of NCR are indeedraising the bar of school education in India.
Authorbio - The Gurgaon based campus of Amity Global School enrolled its first batch of students in2008 and has enabled students in India to follow the globally recognised IB andIGCSE courses. A tailored approach to academics, sports and extra-curricularactivities is the hallmark of the institution.