
The other day I showed on Instagram a video about the effect of a home apparatus for cavitation of the body on pieces of bacon and butter. Don't ask why I did it, I don't know - I was just fascinated by this sight, how fat melts on a cold surface, it's just witchcraft, thank you for living in the 21st century! )))) For the video, I was cursed by a lot of people who were not ready to perceive such a turn of progress. Although, of course, I did not promise that their personal fat would boil just as happily, and I did not offer them the device either for money or as a gift. In general, cavitation in a salon is a very common thing both in the world and in Russia. Now we have a Cavistyle device for home cavitation from the Belulu brand, which I love for their vitality and realistic approach to women's expectations, on Melonpanda. Let's see the answers to the main questions that arise in this procedure. I took advantage of the comments given by the large Vitule salon chain, which makes cavitation throughout Japan - they have 25 offices, 10 of which are in Tokyo.
What is the difference between home cavitation and salon cavitation?
A cavitation machine is a device that emits ultrasonic waves, their frequency is different for home and salon use. Ultrasound usually refers to sound waves above 20 kHz (kilohertz), but the higher the frequency, the shorter the reach. In other words, when used for cavitation, the lower the frequency, the deeper the sound waves affect the fat cells, so a more pronounced effect can be obtained. .The output frequency of the home use cavitation machine is about 300KHz, while the commercial cavitation has an output frequency of about 30KHz. Home cavitation devices are less powerful, but they do not require special knowledge and training, and with them it is impossible to harm yourself. Manufacturers are trying to reach a compromise - to be absolutely safe, but also with a sufficient positive effect.
Are there any side effects?
There are no serious side effects. But it must be borne in mind that the destroyed triglycerides pass through the lymphatic and circulatory system, are destroyed by the liver and excreted by the kidneys, and this can create a certain load on these organs. You should not do cavitation if you have liver or kidney disease. And besides, in order not to increase the load, it is worth refraining from alcohol and fatty foods after the procedure.
Is there an anti-cellulite effect?
Yes. Cellulite is a mixture of enlarged fat cells and waste products that are not excreted due to poor metabolism. Cellulite forms when you gain weight, but one of the reasons cellulite is more likely to occur is hormone imbalances and a decrease in metabolism as you age. If you did not notice in time or could not do anything, the epidermis will push out the fat cells, and the skin will become bumpy. It is not easy to remove it with massage, but cavitation will help due to the fact that it accelerates the removal of waste products and softens fat cells.