
the ‘RRB NTPC’ CBT 2 Exam
RRB NTPC Exam is conducted by the Indian Railways to select the eligible candidates for Non-Technical Popular Categories posts such as Assistant Station Master, Traffic Assistant, Commercial Apprentice, Traffic Apprentice, Goods Guard, etc. This test is divided into four stages: Computer Based Test (CBT) -1, Computer Based Test (CBT) -2, Typing Skill Test/Computer Based Aptitude Test (as appropriate to the position applied for), and Document Verification/Medical Examination. Because competition for this exam is constantly fierce, it is critical for candidates to prepare thoroughly for the RRB NTPC CBT 2 Exam.
The NTPC CBT 2 tips and tactics I'm presenting here will help you gain renowned positions in Indian Railways.
Before you kick start your preparation you should maintain a current understanding of the RRB NTPC Exam Pattern and Syllabus.
Note Making and Previous Year’s Papers: One of the most important parts of preparation is to make short and factual notes, these notes will not only ease your revision but also enhance memory & retaining power. Always try to solve as many previous year's papers as possible, preferably from the last five years, to determine where you are falling short.
Work smartly: You must construct a proper and realistic timetable with separate time slots for each component based on your weak and strong sections/topics.
Important Tip: Develop reading habits and try to understand the application & usage of grammatical rules and improve your vocabulary by adding new words daily.
Mock Tests: Consider various preparation sources to make your preparation stronger. Attending a Mock Test is better than reading a single topic 10 times, especially for the Aptitude section. I personally recommend you to visit the Testwale website as they are having NTPC CBT 2 Free Test Series prepared by the subject experts.