
CSS Syllabus for General Science & Ability
PAPER: General Science & Ability
Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Part I (General Science): 60 Marks
Part II (General Ability): 40 Marks
Total Marks: 100
Physical Sciences
Biological Sciences
Environmental Science
Food Science
It includes the causes, prevention, cure, and care.
Read More: General Knowledge MCQs for CSS
Quantitative Ability/Reasoning
Logical Reasoning and Analytical Reasoning/Ability
Mental Abilities
The process of using a rational, systematic series of steps based on sound mathematical procedures and given statements to arrive at a conclusion.
Visualizing, articulating, and solving both complex and uncomplicated problems and concepts and making decisions that are sensible based on available information, including demonstration of the ability to apply logical thinking to gathering and analyzing information.
Mental abilities scales that measure specific constructs such as the verbal, mechanical, numerical, and social ability.
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