
The importance of Current Affairs can be known from the fact that since 2016 the number of Questions in Prelims has been consistently in the range of 20-30. Also, it is not confined to only Prelims but there have been many Questions in all most all the General Studies Paper which demands illustrations and incorporating illustration from Current issues will definitely help candidate fetch more marks. The Question in CSE Mains also tries to evaluate candidate analytical skills and puts such Question in Mains. In addition to it if someone has Political Science or Public Administration as Optional Subject, good understanding of Current affairs will be more helpful and it cannot be avoided. Also, the Final stage of UPSC CSE i.e., Interview expects Candidate to have good Understanding of Current Issues and put his observation and analysis eventually to resolve the issues.
Question based on Current Affairs in UPSC CSE Preliminary
Generally dynamic Questions in Prelims are based on Current Affairs however some static Question have been asked in previous year Paper based on current issues hence it is important to understand the Current issues with respect to Historical Perspective as well.
Daily Current Affairs
As Current Affairs is inevitable for Prelims, Mains & Interview so reading and understanding of current issues is important. It would be good for Aspirants if they devote some time for Current Affairs on daily basis and prepare in line with UPSC CSE under right guidance. Consistently reading daily current Affairs during Preparation days will be of great help. One may allocate 1-2 hours maximum keeping limited resources for Current Affairs. One must restrict oneself with 1-2 Newspaper (The Indian Express / The Hindu) & One Magazine (Monthly) of any Coaching Institute.
One may refer below mentioned link of GS SCORE to access daily Current Affairs topic wise under different subjects. Student can take advantage and filter daily current affairs subject wise.
Weekly Current Affairs
Any issue in News continues for 3-4 days for Example Prime Minister of India visiting any Foreign Country. All the major Memorandum of Understanding signed between the two countries that are of mutual interest and of national interest is important for IAS Exams. These important MOUs are not signed in a day. There is some Process, several rounds of meetings are held before signing such deals. So, if someone go through the weekly news then all these important events are covered
Monthly Current Affairs:
Several coaching Institutes for IAS publish their own magazine for UPSC CSE. It is best to follow any one Magazine consistently. The Magazine of GS SCORE covers all the monthly current affairs significant for Civil Services Exam.
In addition to it one may plan to enroll for Prelims Sampoorna, exclusive program of GS Score for Prelims 2023 wherein current affairs of last 3 Years would be covered. It also includes few mock tests to evaluate student’s Progress.
Time Management & Time allocation for Current Affairs:
One must restrict oneself with limited resources else it would be difficult to allocate time for revision. Current Affairs is crucial so everyday some time has to be allocated for the same like revision. If someone is having optional subject like Political Science, Public Administration then the time allocated for the current Affairs on a daily basis is must. Reading current issues helps in building some sorts of observation on the significant issues of national importance with respect to different paradigm like Economy, Polity, or other social issues.