
8 Ways to Boost Your Child’s Academic Potential
“Think of the fierce energy concentrated in an acorn! You bury it in the ground and it explodes into an oak!” – George Bernard Shaw.
The line truly defines a child’s hidden potential. All you need is to identify, nourish and nurture their capabilities to help them grow into successful human beings. However, you need to understand that your child’s learning does not begin and end with school. His success depends on a wide range of factors, including your involvement in the education process, local community, and the child’s sense of responsibility towards his own learning.
Even the best residential schools in Bangalore cannot nurture your child effectively if he/she does not get support and encouragement from his own home. He/she will lack self-motivation and the ability to reach their full potential. In this article, we will discuss how parents can help boost the academic potential of their children.
1. Create a Daily Schedule and Make Your Child Stick to it
One of the biggest barriers to a child’s academic excellence is the lack of effective time management. Most parents today do not get enough time to interact with their children, review their progress and provide quality assistance when they want. To address this challenge, it is important to create a daily schedule and ensure your child follows the same.
The daily schedule should allow your child to devote optimum time for their schoolwork, homework, extracurricular activities, and even relaxation. Following a schedule will help them manage their time better, give importance to all aspects of life, and improve their performance.
2. Identify Key Strengths of Your Child
Do you know what differentiates good residential schools in Bangalore from other regular schools? They focus on identifying the key capabilities of children and nurtures the same to ensure they bring out the best potential of every child.
As a parent, it is your responsibility as well to talk to your child, monitor their progress, and identify what they love doing. Know their areas of interest and encourage them to hone their skills in those activities. When your kids are given the space to do what they are best at, it helps improve their performance and enhance their academic potential.
3. Encourage Your Child to Ask “Why”
According to teaching experts, children learn the best from daily routines. It is the best practical learning opportunity for them. Therefore, never discourage them or overlook when they ask “why?” However, do not give answers to them directly; rather, work with them to learn through the question and get an answer.
Not sure how to build learning opportunities for your child from daily situations? You can seek advice from your child’s residential schools in Bangalore for tricks and ideas teachers use to help their students learn. Apply the same techniques during their time with you to reinforce the learning.
4. Build a Mindset of Growth
In her book ‘Mindset: The New Psychology of Success,’ Prof. Carol Dweck highlighted a comprehensive study of how feedback or praises affects a child’s performance. She divided students into two groups and made them participate in a simple test.
For the first set of students, she praised them saying they must have got excellent grades because they are smart and intelligent. However, she praised the second set of students saying they must have performed well because they put in their best efforts for the same.
Surprisingly, in the next test, only 67% of the students from the first set participated while 92% of the children from the second set were willing to give another try. Her studies clearly indicate that when kids are praised for their smartness and intelligence, they tend to become over-confident or shy away from challenges that can threaten their “abilities.”
However, when you build a growth mindset in your child, they are likely to try harder and demonstrate better results every time. So, appreciate your kids for their efforts, not the outcomes.
5. Read with Your Child
One of the best ways to hone your child’s academic skills is to read to and with them. This will help improve their vocabulary, broaden their outlook, and develop social wellbeing.
6. Make them Understand the Value of Education
Never bribe your child or give them the fear of punishment to make them learn things. Mere grades do not matter when you want your child to “learn.” Your kid should learn for the right reasons. Make them identify the value of education in their life…how expanding their knowledge will make their lives more fulfilling.
7. Improve Sleeping Habits
A child with a healthy lifestyle is more capable of achieving academic success. Therefore, focus on providing them with essential nourishment and a good night’s sleep. This will help them focus better and perform well in all fields.
8. Get Admission in a Good Residential School
Allow your child to be self-motivated, confident and independent amid the environment of a residential school. Good residential schools in Bangalore focus on improving a child’s inherent skills, provide an excellent academic environment, and help them learn the skills of life. These are the ingredients to your child’s overall success
Hopefully, the above tips will help augment the academic performance of your kid. Get your child’s admission in one of the best IB international schools in Bangalore – Stonehill International School. For inquiries, call at +91-8043418300.