6 Reasons why extracurricular activities are important in an international school for a long run?
6 Reasons why extracurricular activities are important in an international school for a long run?
Extracurricular activities are activities that are “pursued in addition to the normal course of study”.They require a consistent time commitment, a degree of responsibility and initiative. These activities are important as academic learning.

Thus international schools along with  best academic teaching focuses on extra curricular and physical activities. Higher grades can arise from improved time management, mental clarity, and increased brain function, all of which are facilitated by taking part in activities that students are enthusiastic about. Sports that require a lot of stamina and focus, such high endurance ones, can help you develop these traits. This has a benefit when it comes to learning and passing exams.


  1. Exploring interests

  2. High self esteem

  3. Real world skills

  4. Boost in academic performance

  5. Social Opportunities

  6. University applications

1.Exploring interests : Students can follow their talents or interests outside of the classroom by participating in extracurricular activities. One of the best aspects of selecting an extracurricular activity is learning about novel and fascinating things you never thought you'd like. When students participate in different activities, they will get the opportunity to explore a range of interests and unlock passions they never knew they had! Plus, diversifying interests broadens your worldview.


2.High self esteem : Activities outside the classroom are an excellent method to back up that statement. According to researchers, kids who excel in extracurricular activities have higher self-esteem, which enhances their overall performance—both academically and socially


3. Real world Skills : The majority of extracurricular activities are not structured like school. This implies that each student must choose their own strategy for learning and making the most of their tournament experience. This teaches you essential practical abilities, including multitasking, cooperation, decision making, and communication. When you start college, these are crucial! 


4.Boost in academic performance : According to studies, children who actively engage in things they are enthusiastic about, such as athletics, the arts, or volunteer work, have improved brain function. Even a few hours a week of these activities can assist children acquire time management, problem-solving techniques, and concentration which in return will boost their academic performance.Sports that require a lot of stamina and concentration, such high endurance ones, can help you develop these traits


5.Social Opportunities : While it can be difficult to make friends, joining extracurricular activities is one of the simplest methods to do so! children’s social network will develop with each extracurricular activity they participate in, which will be beneficial when it comes time to hunt for a career.Engaging in an activity outside of the classroom or at school can help you connect with individuals from various backgrounds who have similar interests.                               


6. University Applications : Academic standards are simple to determine, but a person's social skills are a little more. Extracurricular activities give institutions a window into their personality and a standard by which to evaluate students' life skills, such as leadership, planning, and the rest of the abilities.

             Most institutions prefer to see constant participation in extracurricular activities and a steady increase in their club management 

roles. Therefore, it's crucial to get started early and schedule your activities for the future.


All of the above mentioned are some of the key reasons that show us that extra curricular activities are one of the important aspects in international school and every parent should check out these facts before joining their children in any international school. One of the international schools which tops the list is Harvest international.


                                    Harvest international school believes that students should not only focus on their academic charts but also physical activities. Harvest international school has extra curricular activities along with academic activities such as sports, yoga and dance. Students are given full right to choose the area of their interests to participate in.This helps in the overall growth of the student which will help them in the future.