
An electric scooter, also known as a stand-up scooter, is a self-propelled stand-up scooter with an internal combustion engine, usually gasoline that is controlled by the rider through pedals. Classified as a micro-motorized mini-mobile, these electrically-powered scooters are typically built with a long, large wheel on the bottom that stands on four legs. These scooters can be propelled either forward or backward. In order to operate the vehicle, the rider merely holds onto the handlebars and applies force to the pedal with the foot. The force applied is similar to that of an electric bicycle. These scooters can usually accommodate up to five people.
For an electric scooter to run efficiently, it must have powerful motors. Although electric motors for these vehicles have been steadily improving over the years, the first models used engines of one horsepower each. With improvements in technology and increased demand for these vehicles, manufacturers have been forced to increase the horsepower of their motors in order to produce efficient scooters. Today, a typical electric scooter motor will have anywhere from four to fifteen horsepower. The performance of an electric scooter should be dependent upon the environment in which it will be operated.
For short distances, such as inside a store or other enclosed area, it is necessary to use a powerful motor, such as a three or four-wheel drive unit. Such a unit will allow the scooter to negotiate uneven or terraced surfaces, as well as negotiate between curbs and turns. It will also be able to easily travel on level or gradual terrain. For longer distance travel, however, a higher horsepower unit is required to prevent the vehicle from suffering from drag. One of the most important features of the electric scooter is its braking system. Electric bicycles do not provide braking assistance like that provided by a motor vehicle. However, there are systems available on the market that can reduce the impact on the pedestrian by using bicycle brakes. Bicycle brakes work by applying pressure to the hand brakes on either side of the vehicle.
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