
React JS has been used to build over 9 million websites. Facebook, Instagram, Netflix, Airbnb, and other well-known websites are some of them.
While there are issues regarding React's compliance with SEO tactics, if you google "watch series online" or "book apartments," Netflix and Airbnb will show at the top of the search results.
So, what's the trick? What makes mixing JavaScript with SEO challenging, and how can you create SEO-friendly React applications? Continue reading to discover the solutions.
Certain Difficulties You Might Face When Using React for Your Site
1. Site Mapping
The sitemap is the file in which you provide all of the information about each page of your website and the links between those pages. React does not have a system for creating sitemaps. If you use React Router for routing, you will come across several tools that produce sitemaps.
2. JavaScript Crawling
A Google crawler or other search engine crawler may disregard JavaScript that has been run. Web bots use the rapid availability of web material, allowing them to get easily available web information without requiring JavaScript to be active and then indexing the page based on its kind.
3. Loading Time
JavaScript takes time to retrieve, parse, and execute. Furthermore, JavaScript may need to make network calls to retrieve the material, which may require the user to wait a bit before viewing the desired information. A slower loading time may impact the user experience score, causing Google to rank a site lower.
How to Make Your React Website SEO-Friendly?
1. Prerendering
Prerendering is one of the most popular methods for creating single and multi-page online SEO-friendly websites. It is typically utilized when crawlers or search bots fail to render Web pages correctly. Pretenders are distinct applications that minimize website queries.
2. Server-Side Rendering
Browsers and Google bots receive HTML files containing all the information via server-side rendering. Google bots can index and rank the website appropriately.
The simplest method to develop an SEO-friendly React website is to use server-side rendering. However, if you want to build a server-side SPA, you'll need to add a layer of Next.js.
Tips to Make Your React Websites Perfect for SEO
1. React Helmet
Metadata is a crucial part of SEO. As a result, it should appear in the source code even when react is utilized. Keeping the content and headline in the same format may not be adequate regarding CTR and other SEO metrics.
2. 404 Codes
Any site with an error in the data returns a 404 code. As a result, attempt to set up files in server.js and route.js as soon as possible. Updating files using server.js or route.js can significantly increase traffic to your web app or website.
3. React Router
You must know that react adheres to a SPA (single-page application). However, you may better use the SPA architecture if you explain specific SEO features and regulations on your pages.
As a result, you must produce URLs that open on distinct sites. In URLs, we must utilize React Router hooks.
4. "A Href" Links
Ensure that links have an "a href" attribute. Googlebot cannot understand, so adding a Href makes it easier to find and visit additional related pages.
Why is React JS Development Helpful?
1. It is Intuitive
React is extremely simple to use and can be used to add interaction to any UI layout. Furthermore, it enables rapid and quality-assured application development, saving clients and developers’ time.
2. It is SEO-Friendly
After extensive research and development, Facebook released React JS. It stands out from the crowd and allows developers to build visually attractive, SEO-friendly user experiences across browsers and engines.
3. It is Reusable
It saves developers time because they don't have to write many programs for the same functionalities. Furthermore, any modifications to a specific portion of the program will not affect other parts of the application.
The Key Takeaways
Unfortunately, dealing with React websites adds to a lengthy list of challenges that a technical SEO must address. However, frameworks like Next.js have made the task of SEO a lot easier than it was previously.
This guide should have given you a better understanding of the additional considerations you need to make as an SEO while dealing with React sites. Another best possible practice is to hire a React JS development company, as they can provide better results.