
bead bracelet
I decided to do this article, because after a week's beading, I had terrible back ache. To get rid of all the spasms, took a concerted effort. It would have been easier if I just followed a few easy guidelines to good posture and ergonomics. A lot of it is actually common sense, but we choose not to follow them, as it is easier to hunch or slouch.
The most important pieces of equipment are your chair, work area and light. It is important that you choose a chair that supports your entire back, when you sit up straight. It should also support your lower back as well, if it doesn't, place a cushion behind your back for extra support. When you sit on your chair your feet should touch the ground and your knee and thigh should form a 90 degree angle. If you are not sure that it is 90 degrees, place your feet on the ground and place a pencil on your knee, it should not roll. Your back should be up straight, no hunching or slouching! Under your desk you can use a foot rest to lift you feet a little to alleviate the pressure off your back. The chair should preferably have armrests, to rest the elbows on and take strain off the shoulder muscles.
When you pull the chair under the workspace, this (workspace) should ideally come to about the middle of your breast. This will prevent you from hunching forward over your work or slouching backward. This will help you to keep your head up, and take some strain off your neck. Your elbows can rest on the chair's armrests. Your forearms should lean against the edge of the workspace. You can rest your elbows on the workspace as well; it depends on what techniques you're using.
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