
The Vimshottari Dasha in a child's Kundali is determined by the position of the Moon at the moment of birth. The process of calculating a Vimshottari Dasha is straightforward, and the method is far more scientific. Vimshottari's literal meaning is "hundred and twenty," which represents the total year allowed to all of the planets, which corresponds to a human life span of one hundred and twenty years. All planets are neutral during their Dasha or Antardasha, according to astrologers, whether favourable or negative.
Vimshottari Dasha, Saturn's 19-year cycle The Saturn vimshottari Dasha interpretation is crucial since this is the moment when the individual realizes his limitations and accepts his mortality. This phase educates you about life's fragility and motivates you to practice spirituality, responsibility, honesty, and sincerity.
If Saturn is well-placed, powerful by sign, and in the Trikona (Triangle), Kendra, or 11th house, tremendous prosperity is possible, because Saturn provides money via hard labour from companies related to Saturn's article (agricultural, education, government jobs, servants, old ladies, from the West). Hospitals, the elderly, inheritance, wills, and financial matters will all be discussed.
If Saturn is weak, significant health issues or the loss of loved ones are possible outcomes. Saturn Mahadasha will present a significant challenge to those who are materialistic. If affected, a person will become immoral, addicted to drinking, indolent, a gangster, or deceptive. There might be humiliation, disappointments, late marriages, robbery, financial loss, anguish for the wife and children, jail, misery, mental problems, and property loss.
Saturn's gemstone, blue sapphire, is worn after consulting an astrologer.
Some useful information about Vimshottari Dasha:
The birth chart, which is determined by planetary placements and related configurations such as locations, conjunctions, and aspects, contains a promise. Commitment is just the first step; the rest will depend on the transits of the planets and the Dasha. Certain characteristics, such as Lordship, placements, aspects, and the power of planets, help the promise to come true. An entire planet's Dasha period is divided into portions, which are regulated by other planets.
The Mahadasha is the major period, which is divided into sub-periods that are active at the same time. Some significant event in the native's life is always impacted by the transit of planets. To tell you the truth, because Saturn and Jupiter are the most influential planets in one's horoscope, their transits have a greater impact. They command the Lord of a home to activate it. While Saturn approves, Jupiter blesses the occasion, the transit of the Sun suggests the month and the transit of the Moon hints at the day of the event. As a result, analyzing the natal chart necessitates knowledge of Saturn and Jupiter's Dashas, Antar Dasha, and transits.
The antardasha of each planet in the vimshottari dasha might have a variety of outcomes.
Sun Antardasha
Positive: Favors from the boss, greater riches, and the purchase of automobiles, cows, and comforts, as well as overall happiness.
Negative: Heart illness, mental pain, loss of a home, separation from loved ones, and overall negativity are all. In Saturn's Vimshottari Dasha, the antardasha of each planet might have a variety of outcomes.
Moon Antardasha
Positive: Prosperity, comfort for family members, and general happiness.
Negative: Loss of income, estrangement from parents, kid sickness, and overall negativity.
Mars Antardasha
Positive: Gaining wealth, reaping the advantages of lands and cattle, constructing a new home, reaping the benefits of siblings, and overall happiness.
Negative: Theft, serpents, accidents, and weapons, difficulties for father and brother, livestock loss, early death, and overall negativity.
Mercury Antardasha
Positive: Notoriety, education, prosperity, mental and physical comforts, pilgrimage travel, and overall happiness.
Negative: Illness, mental suffering, and overall negativity.
Jupiter Antardasha
Positive: Achievement, riches, a desire to serve God, religion, and the study of the scriptures, the company of knowledgeable people, comforts for wife and son, and overall optimism.
Negative: Loss of income and loved ones, international travel, professional challenges, disease, mental agony, jail.
Venus Antardasha
Positive: Desires fulfilled, riches gained, comforts gained, excellent health, auspicious occasion, overall positivity
Negative aspects include the loss of a house, wife, and friends, disease, mental suffering, and overall negativity.
Saturn Antardasha
Positive: Rise in prestige, advantages for the wife, the purchase of automobiles, and a general sense of well-being.
Negative: Fear of poisons and weapons, blood diseases, mental agony, premature mortality, and overall pessimism.