
These trucks can produce any type of concrete mix, making them ideal for big projects. In addition to providing quality concrete mixes, volumetric companies are also capable of delivering the finished products faster than traditional means. In addition to offering a variety of concrete types, these professionals also offer a variety of other services that complement their work.
Volumetric concrete is more accurate than ready-mixed concrete, and the mix is completed on-site, meaning that one will receive exactly what is needed for the project. The downside to ready-mixed concrete is that once it has been delivered, it cannot be adjusted. Luckily, a volumetric company will provide advice on the appropriate quantities for different jobs. With this type of service, one can be sure that the product they receive is of high quality and fully accredited.
A Volumetric Concrete North London truck is a truck-mounted concrete mixer that combines the functions of a batching plant and mobile mixing trucks. Compared to a drum mixer, volumetric trucks have greater customisation options, more efficient materials management, and the capacity to finish larger projects faster. Another advantage of volumetric concrete is that it costs less. Compared to traditional drum mixers, volumetric trucks deliver precisely the amount of concrete that is needed for a project.
When choosing a volumetric truck, make sure to ask the company if it offers a variety of mixing options. A Volumetric Concrete North London mixer can produce a variety of concrete mixes, including those with varying water-cement ratios and slumps. A volumetric mixer can be used for small to large projects, and there is no waste. With this technology, volumetric trucks can produce the exact amount that is needed without the hassles of a wasteful mix-up.