
You can run the cleanest and most up to date website in the world… with zero broken or bad links. But that doesn’t change the fact that people will still try to access pages that don’t exist on your blog.
Introducing WP Traffic Guard
Stop losing valuable traffic… Have you checked what the defult WP 404 page looks like? Yup, it sucks! All the error link traffic you get is landing on a page that is going to make them run away!
This new WP Traffic Guard plugin helps you to fix that today. It’s the world’s first 1-click WordPress plugin that instantly gives you fully monetized, set and forget 404 error pages.
While showing you exactly why and how your 404 errors happen so you can plug any holes and optimize your revenue in real time!
In a nutshell, WP Traffic Guard is a Set and forget software to manage and automate all of your websites from one easy to use dashboard. That means it secures, automates & manages multiple WP blogs from one central dashboard for you.
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This brand new WP Traffic Guard Plugin fixes this in 3 simple steps:
- Step #1: Choose Your Ad Template
- Step #2: Select Your Ads (+/or Add Your Own)
- Step #3: Test, Track & Tweak
There’s a dozen DFY offers included so you can be up and running in minutes. AND these ads are self optimizing to make sure you get the best conversions over time!
In additional, the first 50 people will also get instant access to the huge wordpress bonus vault which includes:
- Centrally Manage: SSL setup, blog posts, comments, plugin/theme installs, user creation, categories, tags, niche groups, central admin login, cloning, pixel/software and more across whichever sites you choose
- Completely Automate: Security malware checks, regular core, plugin and theme upgrades, backups (cloudbased if you like), social sharing and up-time monitoring
This bonus lets you create ‘groups’, so you can choose that group when you are adding a website. After you’ve added the site it’s easy, simply select what you would like to do for that group and it will happen for all of the websites you’ve chosen.
WP Traffic Guard is on an early bird discount right now. So don’t hesitate to check the next parts of this WP Traffic Guard Review to see it in action and lock in your copy now!
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