
When it’s about increasing SEO ranking and drivingtraffic to your website, there’s no denying that backlinks are among thesignificant ranking factors on Google and other search engines.
Quality backlinks from high authoritative domains canincrease your SERPs and improve the website's visibility on search engines and boost ranking.
Building good backlinks is undoubtedly a tricky business– but not impossible. This guide will discuss some effective link-building tactics to attract more legitimatebacklinks for your onsite content.
10 SurefireTechniques To Get Excellent Backlinks
1. High-quality content
You cannot write any random content and expect others tolink to your website. It should be unique, well-written, and valuable. Your content reflects yourbrand, so if the quality of content is not as par the mark, other brands won'ttreat your site as authoritative.
So what content gets more shares and backlinks? A fewtypes include:
· List Articles: These are written in numbered lists to helpreaders scan through the critical points and read the interesting parts.
Example: 5 rewarding ways toboost your academic productivity
· How-Tos: Articles about how to do certain things are popular among readers. These arereader-friendly and bring great backlinks.
Example: If you write a blogon “How to Save Money for Your Wedding,” it can get linked to budgetingwebsites, wedding websites and wedding planning agent websites, and more.
· Definitive Guides: Definitive guides explain to readers about atopic without getting into confusing detailing. You can create definitiveguides on trending topics relevant to your industry to attract more links.
Example: A Beginner’s GuideTo MLA Citation
· Quizzes: I am sure a lot of you have tried quizzeslike “what pizza are you” or “which color reveals your personality.” These are fun andengaging. If you want to create quizzes to get backlinks, make sure it’srelevant to your niche.
Example: If your site isabout dogs, you can create a fun quiz like “Answer 5 questions & revealwhich dog breed you’re most like.”
2. Guest Posts
Guest posting is the practice when bloggers write freecontent for other sites in exchange for backlinks to their websites. Such linksare primarily mentioned in the author bio or to cite crucial data in the post.
High-quality guest posts can do wonders for your websiteif you use the strategy correctly. Start by shortlisting some good websiteswithin your niche using advanced search operators. You can spy on yourcompetitors’ backlinks to narrow down the guest post contributors.
Another way to find authoritative sites accepting guestposts is to do Google search with specific search phrases. For instance: Topickeyword + guest post. If you are looking for a writer for lifestyle content,you can type Lifestyle + guest post to explore new opportunities.
3. Skyscraper Content
Skyscraper content is another backlinking strategy usedto find existing popular blogs or articles, improve them, and duplicate thebacklinks.
Let's say you want to write a blog on digital marketinginstitutions. Type "digital marketing institutions" into the Googlesearch bar, and you will get the most popular options with the most backlinkson the first page of the search results.
Pick an article from any of the displayed results andtarget to write 10X better content with more information, stats, and data, and add high-quality imagesmissing in the original content.
Once the new and improved article is ready forpublishing, use a backlink checker to identify the original backlinks and reachout to them. Pitch your superior quality content and encourage them to link toyour content.
4. Infographics
It wasn't long ago when readers preferred reading long,in-depth articles. But now, the majority of online readers prefer shortwrite-ups in points or infographics.
Infographics are the graphic representation of data orinformation and currently are the most shared content format online. Mostprefer visual data – it's easy to follow and share – no wonder the demand forsuch content format has spiked over the last couple of years.
If you are choosing infographics to build links, becareful with the topics you choose. Go through various trending topics to analyze what readers are engaging with or sharing ondifferent platforms, and then select a topic. Focus on collecting qualityinformation, which attracts more bloggers and publications to link theircontent to yours.
5. Broken Link Building
Broken links often lead the visitors to a 404 error pageor a page that no longer exists. It reduces user experience and makes itchallenging for search engines to index websites.
Broken link building can not only resolve this issue butalso help you earn better links. With this strategy, you can find the brokenlinks of other websites. Because you've helped them identify broken links, youmight get rewarded by creating content and linking it to your website.
You can use broken link checker tools like Copyblogger orCheck My Links to identify pages that aren’t working. After identifying theissues, give direct information to the webmaster and make it easier for them tofix them.
6. Testimonials
It’s not unknown that all businesses love to showcase topclient reviews on their homepage. Many also have separate pages for customertestimonials. But how does it help you in earning backlinks?
Start by listing out the products or services of thetargeted website. It would be best to write about products or services thatyou've used. Go to the website and write a positive review stating yourexperience of using the product or service.
Check if they have an email address and reach out tothem. This will help you get a link without even asking for one. Don't forgetto mention in your email that they can share your testimonial on the homepageor testimonial page, as those pages will give your link the highest exposure.
7. Link Reclamation
Link reclamation is when a writer mentions a product orservice of yours in a larger narrative. Instead of waiting for them to add yourlink, you reach out to them requesting one if they haven't included it already.
Using a tool like BuzzSumo can help you stay updatedevery time someone mentions your brand. Even though most of the time writersinclude links, there are times when the link is missing.
You can write to them, complimenting them for the mentionand write-up, and request them if they could add your site's link to help thereaders locate you quickly. Don't be too persistent. Be friendly and thank thembefore signing. 90% of the time, it will bring you positive results and maybe afew powerful backlinks.
8. Help A Reporter Out (HARO)
Help A Reporter Out (HARO) is a brilliant platform forearning high-quality backlinks on websites with high domain ranking. Here, yousign up as a source and receive source requests. Every request includes thearticle’s headline, journalist’s email address, topic category, deadline,website address, and details of the kind of information needed.
Of course, you cannot contribute to every request.Carefully scan through the emails and pitch for the request relevant to yourindustry or expertise. While answering the reporter’s query, make sure youmention the link to your website in your contact details.
With HARO, you may not be guaranteed to receive backlinksbecause the reporter will have many other sources pitching ideas. But when youdo, you will be linked to some of the top-ranking sites on the internet. Youcan also consider taking rate my paper help.
9. Influencer Marketing
Today, influencer marketing is more popular than ever.More and more businesses include it in their marketing strategy to reach out tothe target audience and generate revenue.
When you rope in an influencer for social media marketing,they promote your products and website, write about you, share posts ondifferent social media platforms, and more. It may seem like an expensive option to get backlinks, but itcan get affordable too.
Work with micro-influencers who have followers from 10kto 100k. They can help you build engagement and backlinks at affordable rates. Look for influencerswho promote sites for free goodies. Weigh out your options and choose the bestone for maximum benefits.
10. Analysing Backlink Gap
Conducting a backlink gap analysis will help you identifythe sites that link to your competitors but not you. When you find such sitesthat link to most of your competitor’s websites but not yours, the chances arehigh that they can also link to yours – if you give a valid reason.
The process can get pretty simple with the Backlink Gaptool. With the device, you can see the pages and domains linked to yourcompetitors' sites. Carefully analyze what made them link to your competitivewebsites and how you can make changes to your site or content and createbacklinking opportunities with high authoritative sites. You can also take casestudy assignment help from the experts.
The list of tactics you can use to build qualitybacklinks is endless. However, the correct method ultimately depends on how youhave earned links, all these while, how your industry operates, and whattactics your competitors use to gain backlinks. Nonetheless, if you use thetechniques mentioned above and plan out your strategy well, you will get acompetitive advantage.
Author Bio
EthanTaylor is a digital marketing expert and has workedwith some of the top digital marketing agencies in the country. He is also passionate aboutteaching and assists students at My Assignment Help,an online academic website popular for quality study support and free literarytools such as essay writer, Factoring calculator, plagiarismchecker, Harvard referencing tool, and more.