
Steps in Career Transition:-
1. Identify your new field - Identify the industry or sector you want to work
2. Identify the position - Determine the position/ designation, on which you want to work
3. Identify current skills - List down the skills you have that you can apply in the field
4. Determine the companies looking for your skills - Research the company, search their job posting, and through networking understand which organizations, seem good fits for you
5. Asses, plan and execute - Asses needs of the organization and the required qualifications. Match your current skills and experience with that. Execute, by closing the gap if any by taking courses or certification, etc.
6. Update your resume and profiles - Update your resume by highlighting your qualifications required for, the new field. Also, update your social media profiles with relevant keywords.
7. Target employer - Once you know where you'd like to work, it's easier to identify opportunities for networking and give people a meaningful answer when you're networking
8. Build relationships - Networking is the most effective job search strategy and technique across all employment sectors. Keep your network activated.
9. Get it done - Work towards getting through this transition effectively. Look for support if needed.
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