
The Eicher brand of tractors is one of the oldest names in theindustry. All Eicher tractors sport the all-new and refreshing Eicher ‘E’symbol. This has made Eicher a household name in India, and a respectedmark of trust in various export markets.
Eicher Tractors are available in range 24 HP to 60 HP. Theseengines are robust, low maintenance, low price, fuel-efficient and contributeto the revenue of farmers and other commercial operators. In a short spanof time, the brand has earned the trust of many customers and is one of themost preferred brand names in the range.
All Eicher engines in this segment are air-cooled and can runfor long durations at high ambient temperatures, thereby increasing theproductivity and profits of the customer. Eicher Tractor Engines do notneed a coolant and are almost completely maintenance-free since there is noradiator, water pump, or thermostat valve, avoiding the common issues ofleakages and radiator choking.