
Why Workforce Analytics is Essential for Remote Teams
The trend toward remote workforce analytics has been gaining momentum in recent years. According to the Global Workplace Analytics Report, more than half of organizations now have full-time remote workers, and nearly 70% of organizations plan to increase the number of their employees who work from home at least part-time in the next year . While there are many challenges related to managing remote teams, it’s important to ensure that you’re equipped with the best workforce analytics tools available in order to make the most of this new way of working. Here are 7 reasons why workforce analytics tools are essential for remote teams.
Telecommuting Benefits
Studies have shown that telecommuting can boost productivity (up to 20 percent more, in fact), reduce stress, increase employee satisfaction and improve employee retention. Additionally, companies that use workforce management software to monitor their remote employees are getting a head start in optimizing these benefits. For example, workforce analytics software helps track and manage employee performance by providing real-time visibility into how they’re working—and how they’re performing. This insight allows managers to make informed decisions about which projects should be assigned to which team members based on their strengths and weaknesses. It also helps managers understand where an individual may need training or coaching so he or she can improve his or her skillset over time.
Managing Remote Workers
Make sure your business stays on track with workforce management software. Workforce analytics software can help you keep an eye on your remote teams, analyze productivity and improve performance. Make sure you have visibility into all aspects of your workforce to reach a higher level of success and get more work done. Learn how workforce analytics software can be used in your business today!
Employee Satisfaction and Engagement
When you don’t have a direct line of sight into your employees, it can be difficult to monitor their satisfaction with your company. Utilizing workforce management software—and putting tools in place that provide visibility into employees' daily performance—can not only help you manage remote teams more effectively, but also drive employee engagement and retention.
Recruiting Efforts
Remote workforces can make hiring more challenging, because there’s no way to know whether a candidate will be a cultural fit without meeting them in person. Visibility analytics give managers insight into remote workers’ performance and productivity levels—essential when your team works across time zones and schedules vary from one employee to another. With visibility data at their fingertips, managers can identify which remote employees are excelling and which ones need help improving. This information helps you develop an action plan that drives better results across your entire workforce.
Ensuring Compliance
One of remote workforce management’s greatest value propositions is that it can help keep your team in compliance. As a manager, you will be able to see how employees are utilizing their time and make adjustments to their schedules or their workload as necessary. This means you won’t have to worry about whether they are working on company projects or not. You also won’t have to worry about whether they are taking too many breaks or not enough, because you will know exactly what they have been doing at all times. This level of visibility into your employee’s activities is invaluable when it comes to ensuring compliance with company policy and maintaining legal requirements.
Collaboration Tools
Communication is a crucial part of any remote workforce. That’s why, to facilitate both virtual and physical communication between team members, it’s important to use collaboration tools that allow you to communicate via text or video. If there are employees who are not as comfortable using these platforms, provide phone support as an option as well. Managers should also have access to these systems so they can reach out to team members if necessary.
Time Management
If you’re managing a remote workforce, it can be difficult to keep tabs on your employees if you have no way of knowing whether they are productive. Time tracking software can help in many ways; from letting you see how long your employees spend at their computers to allowing them to input daily hours automatically, there are several time management tools that can benefit both managers and employees.
SOURCE: Remote Workforce Analytics: 7 Reasons How Visibility Can Help Your Remote Teams