Social Media Marketing and SEO
Social Media Marketing and SEO
Do you have a custom Blog that is syndicated and fed to publications, social media, web resources, and a subscriber base? Is your product or service updated frequently on the social networks with promotions, interactive pages that feed traffic and revenue to your web site and company

Social Media Marketing and its powerful reach




Few companies are using social media marketing to its full extent. Many think they have done their job by creating a Facebook Fan Page and posting news on it everyday, gathering a modest following, posting a video, putting "Like" links on their website etc. That is nice but you are not promoting and networking your business.


Facebook is approaching 1 BILLION users. What happens when you promote to 1,000 people that "Like" your fan page... Answer - each user has approximately 100 friends - your promotion reaches 100,000 people, of which many can help network your brand, purchase your product or service, and virally spread the word or pass on an important source for information. It's important when marketing in Social Media to also utilize SEO marketing and diligently work the social media account. The returns are absolutely remarkable. What most CEOs do not realize is that Facebook is becoming a Search Engine / Social site / Community and advertising power house! We predict that within the next decade Facebook will challenge Google in searches and as a one stop communication and information source. Now is the time to start your marketing efforts on the world's largest marketing platform. Let's take a closer look...





Do you have a custom Blog that is syndicated and fed to publications, social media, web resources, and a subscriber base? Is your product or service updated frequently on the social networks with promotions, interactive pages that feed traffic and revenue to your web site and company? That is just the tip of the iceberg, as the purpose of Social Networking in the business world is "Networking" and "Marketing" your company to current and prospective clients and applicants. You must optimize your social network accounts, create interactivity, incentives, and market that in various ways. To be truly effective, you must cross network and market your Social Media accounts with your web presence. Each Social Network venue has it's own set of special tools, functions, and advantages that work hand in hand with each other as well as external online marketing opportunities and your company website. When used and employed correctly, they are a tremendously powerful marketing medium that brands your company and attracts new business more than any media source you may use. We have some clients that actually rely mostly on Social Media Marketing and referrals for new business because it is truly that effective!


Social Media Marketing is also supported by internal marketing techniques, the engine that drives the Social Networking vehicle forward. Digital communications via video and interactive calls to action, digital newsletters, emails and live feeds with interactivity to communicate with your company on a regular basis are just some of the underlying support mechanisms used to market your brand and offerings and keep your market interested and in touch.


A good marketing company will work and build your marketing plan each and every day and generate new income for their clients and keep updating the functionality and employing the broad spectrum of applications that become available within each venue. For instance, The FBML application will soon be phased out in favor of new applications supported by Facebook such as IFrames. In each case, the results will be a steady increase in quality clients, renewed interest from current and past clients and build your brand and base. Your company's website will also realize increasing visits from month to month and all this translates into consistent revenue increases and larger market share over time with increasing revenue that far exceeds Investment - ROI is the fundamental objective of successful marketing... and Social Media | SEO marketed correctly and with dedication is what so many Companies are lacking in today's competitive environment.