LocalBitcoins Clone Script Development
LocalBitcoins Clone Script Development
Hivelance Technologies Will help you to Build Your Localbitcoins clone with whatever customization you need.

Local Bitcoin Clone:


LocalBitcoins clone script includes total source code to develop a Cryptocurrency Exchange which consists of all the user interface, features and functions like LocalBitcoins Exchange. You can Launch your Crypto exchange business with the help of our script. Hivelance Technologies Will help you to Build Your Localbitcoins clone with whatever customization you need.


Business Benefits of Localbitcoins Clone Script


For Admin side


  • Easy KYC Approval Integration

  • Quick Overview Dashboard

  • Centralized escrow protection

  • Best Customer Support Management

  • Strong Security Authentication APIs

  • User Wallet Protection


For User Side


  • Multiple Cryptocurrency Support

  • Mobile App with Easy UI

  • Notifications for Price Alert

  • Easy to use ad based trading

  • Learning Resources

  • Cryptocurrency Watchlist


When comparing the overall advantages of other localbitcoins clones, we stand out unique in our code structure mainly focusing on usability. Here is the brief view of them below.


Escrow protection:


Escrow protection is nothing but the opt-in admin system that enables both buyer and seller funds safely. Explaining this, a buy/sell order ad is posted in the website, then bitcoin is locked in the escrow protection wallet, when the seller releases money, the bitcoin is sent to them.


The escrow concept is the succeeding driver of in its early stages. It's been widely used in many marketplaces like Upwork, Fiverr etc.


Easy UI/UX:


Our Localbitcoins clone script is the crystal clear replica of Localbitcoins user interface. You can delight with easy-to-use functionality that most people are fond of. Our design is responsive across all sizes making the users feel comfortable with any screen they are on.


Less Frictional Admin Panel:


Operating the exchanges seems to be a tedious task for every organization. We developed an admin panel for managing your exchanges hassle-free. Drag and drop option, button like structure, on/off option, consolidated chart view, transactions history, analytics overview can save you a lot of time in managing.


The localbitcoins clone script is made with features like Escrow protection, Easy UI/UX, Less Frictional Admin Panel. Further, our specialisation towards crypto exchange security grade will be the added advantage for you. We recommend the additional security protection features for your exchange that can’t be given by our competition. 


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