Best Things to try in Lucknow
Best Things to try in Lucknow
In the city of Lucknow there is a lot you can try which can be rememberable for your lifetime, Lucknow is such a heart warming city .


In the city of Lucknow there is a lot you can try which can be rememberable for your lifetime, Lucknow is such a heart warming city that everyone says that they would want to visit more than once when they visit this beautiful & friendly city.

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1.     Roaming at marine drive:

 It is the best thing for younsters as this area is so beautiful and soothing for the eyes. Youngsters & elderly people come here to have some peaceful time. The marine drive name came from the famous mumbai’s marine drive area as this place is on the bank of the river Gomti. The place is no less beautiful & happening than marine drive as the ambedkar park & the Gomti river front makes the place so spectacular.


2.      Shopping at Aminabad and Nakkhas :

If you are some kind of shoppaholic and want to buy some local made things also than aminabad & nakkhas is the thing for you.


3.  Imambada, Roomi darwaza & nearby places :  


The historical architecture like imambada made by Nawabs & Roomi darwaza should be on must visit list. You will be amazed how the Bhool-bhulaiya inside the Imambada is crafted.


4.  Tundey & ghalawati kababs:


The kababs are renowned for their perfect mixture of spices, taste and tenderness. It is said that the “Toothless nawabs gave India its kababs”. These kababs are the delicacy you would love if you are not vegeterian and the happening & Chaotic reataurants are something exciting to experience.


5.  Ganjing :


This place is for good and happening evenings where people come and have some great time with their friends and family while they can shop also.


6.  Janeshwar mishra park:


Having a walk in the lush green, one of asia’s Largest parks , You can enjoy boat ride in its large lake.


7.  Prakash ki kulfi:

The famous Prakash kulfi has a taste of Its own. In aminabad market You should try it while shopping to the largest local market in Lucknow.


8.      Maa Chandrika devi temple:


The temple is 25 to 30 kms away in Kathwara village and a famous temple among Lucknow people. The temple surrounded by local village and vegetation and is a good place to experience country- side, Lucknow.  


9.      Hanuman setu:


This place has some really positive vibes around it.


There is a lot more to experience but these are the few best things to do in Lucknow.