
database marketing, free company database India
Database marketing isa direct marketing strategy in which customers databases are employed to fetchtargeted lists to conduct direct marketing communications. These customerdatabases contain all the customers’ details including their names, emailaddresses, phone numbers, purchase histories, and other information requests.
Itrefers to a detailed process of identifying, gathering, and monitoring relatedinformation relevant to an organization’s customers. The required data isfetched from different internal and external sources such as promotionalefforts, email correspondence, sales information, as well as social media.
What are the objectives of Db marketing?
Themain objective of database marketing is to use the information of free companydatabase India to implement powerful marketing strategies to increase theorganization’s profits.
3 main stages for effective DM
● Data collection: The very first stage of DM isto assemble and collect the required related to the potential and prevailingcustomers. This process is carried out to ensure that the data is used in afruitful way that proves beneficial for the specific marketers carrying outtheir sales and marketing activities.
● Transformation of data into knowledge: At thesecond stage, data inspection is done so that the data necessary for marketingand communications can be easily obtained. The data is fragmented into existingand potential customers to provide objective and appropriate marketing messagerequired for both consumers sections.
● Development of business strategies: Thebusiness strategy is implemented shaped in the final stage using both knowledgeand information. For instance, the communication system with customers ismodified, the resources are distributed, prices and reviews are estimated.
Benefits of Db marketing
Dbmarketing offers many benefits linked with its process. It enables abusinessman and an entrepreneur to segment and focuses the marketing venturesat an optimum cost.
Aproductive database marketing drives high sales by providing information toenable different organizations to identify and bring fresh marketopportunities. The customer communication level also goes high by picking aquality level. The organization is able to increase the customer retention rateby forming long-lasting customer relationships.
Db Marketing Techniques
Weare going to provide remarkable database marketing techniques which play avital role for the sales and marketing team to use the free company databaseIndia to boost the sales growth without any failure at their end.
● Increase Customer Lifetime Value
● Ideal Customer Communications
● RFM (Recency, Frequency, MonetaryAnalysis)
● Customer Segmentation
● Analytical Software
● Loyalty Programs
● Multi-channel marketing