
Since the dawn of time, Resin Incense has much to offer humanity. It is among the oldest aromas that has been burned for many centuries in sacred ceremonies. Burning resin is an entirely different experience that encourages healing and revitalization. Let us take you through everything there is to these incredibly scent-filled substances as well as the best ways you can make use of to achieve ultimate peace.In use since the time of the Bible, Resin incense is made of tiny beads of saps from trees that have hardened. The dried pellets need the heating process to make incense. If they are ignited, they release a powerful and stimulating woody scent that creates a calming atmosphere surrounding you. Frankincense and Myrrh make up a few of the most popular resin incenses, renowned for their unique and rich scent-rich historical. The long-lasting aroma of resin Incense can be believed to increase spirituality, which makes them ideal for cleansing, purification, or religious ceremonies.