
Beauty combination: Cavitation slimming and radio frequency lifting
The radical and rather dangerous surgical liposuction was replaced by ultrasonic cavitation - the destruction of fat cells through the propagation of ultrasonic waves through soft tissues. And instead of an operating lift, the leading position is now taken by RF lifting - a radio wave method of heating the deep layers of the dermis. As a result of this heating, the substances of youth are actively produced - collagen and elastin. Radiofrequency lifting also contributes to weight loss, because fat cells cannot withstand high temperatures.
Ultrasonic cavitation RF is called the new non-surgical liposuction. With its help, you can lose weight in problem areas and tighten the body without injections and exhausting physical exertion. Noticeable transformations are visible after the first procedure, and the completion of the course according to the results is similar to a month of training in the fitness room.
However, to maintain the result, it is necessary to rebuild the diet. If you overeat, then the broken down fat will build up again.
Ultrasonic cavitation is a cosmetic non-injection procedure for removing unwanted fatty layers in problem areas.
Due to the high efficiency of RF radiation in tissue heating, it is widely used in electrosurgery and dermatology. For medical and aesthetic applications, radio frequencies of the order of megahertz are commonly used.
The cavitation machine emits low-frequency ultrasound;
A small bubble is formed inside the fat cells in response to ultrasound, which gradually increases;
The adipocyte swells, the cell membrane cannot withstand stress and ruptures;
The adipocyte is destroyed, and all structures that were inside the cell are broken down into decay products - triglycerides, enter the lymphatic and blood vessels, then go to the liver and are broken down to glucose - an energy substrate for any cells in the body;
Low-frequency ultrasonic waves have a destructive effect only on adipocytes; they do not affect other cells (skin, muscles and blood vessels), due to the strength and elasticity of these structures.
The RF lifting procedure acts directly on the dermis and subcutaneous fatty tissue, bypassing the epidermis. Under the influence of an electromagnetic field of the radio frequency range (0.4-9 MHz), metabolic reactions are activated in cells. Electrical energy is converted into heat.
When the dermis is heated to a high temperature, collagen fibers shrink and thicken, which leads to the formation of a subcutaneous skeleton of its own fibers, which stretches the skin.
When the dermis heats up, powerful stimulation of fibroblasts is triggered, due to which new collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid are synthesized, blood microcirculation improves, and vascular elasticity is restored. heating increases the permeability of cell membranes, therefore, the absorption of active substances of drugs used during the procedure is more intensive.RF procedures must be performed in a course, this technique also allows you to achieve excellent results, which can last for one year up to two years.As a result, the effect of this technique is comparable to a surgical skin tightening.
It should be noted that the procedure is not performed for all patients. For example, those who have no more than a dozen extra pounds can be offered other effective methods of body correction, for example, lymphatic drainage, anti-cellulite massage.
As a result of the win-win combination "cavitation + RF", customers will get:
-Youthful, healthy-looking skin.
-Skin elasticity and smoothness even after extreme weight loss, without sagging and stretch marks.
-Complete victory over cellulite.
-Significant reduction in body volume.
-Get a sporty silhouette without tedious gym workouts.
-Smoothing wrinkles.
-Elimination of defects after surgery.
Contraindications to ultrasonic cavitation:
-oncological diseases;
-pregnancy and lactation;
-diseases of the blood, blood vessels;
-tendency to form blood clots;
-autoimmune diseases;
-diseases and damage to the skin in the treatment area.