
Using a mannequin head is important for a student to be able to practice regularly
If you are in beauty school or an aspiring hairstylist then you're probably looking for beauty school mannequin head for sale. These mannequin heads are essential in honing the skills of aspiring hairstylists. Using a mannequin head is important for a student to be able to practice regularly and master the skills needed to become an expert in hair styling.
But what you probably don't know is that beauty school mannequin head come in different kinds. There are mannequins that use human hair then there are those that use animal hair. There's a third kind of mannequin head and it's the type that uses synthetic hair. Then there are also mannequins that have a combination of two or all three of the types mentioned above.
If you don't know what kind of mannequin head to use then this article is for you. Here, you will learn about the use of human hair for mannequin heads and how they are processed. The purpose of this article is to help you to determine what kind of mannequin head is best for you and your needs. Here, you will learn the important things that you need to know about the hair being used on mannequin heads.
The source of human hair
There are obvious advantages to buying a mannequin head with real hair. You get to practice with the real thing. So when you start working on a real person, you'll already be familiar with the texture of real human hair. What you need to know is that the real hair used for mannequins are usually sourced from Asian countries such as China, India, and Kore.
You may be able to find mannequins with European hair but they will cost you more. And while hair quality differs depending on ethnicity, a human hair is basically the same. Working with Asian hair can also get you prepared for Caucasian hair.
There are rumors going around that say mannequin hair comes from corpses. There is no truth to this rumor. They came from individuals who have sold their hair or have donated them. This means that the human hair used in mannequins came from people who are alive and they were given full consent. No one is forced to give up their hair. Hair exchange is an entirely different topic and will not be discussed in this article.
How is human hair processed?
Human hair needs to be processed before they are placed on a mannequin head. The first thing done to the hair after it has been collected is that it is sanitized. This is done, first of all, for sanitation purposes. It is to ensure that the hair that will be used in making the mannequins are free from pathogens. You can rest assured that the human hair used in mannequin heads are already clean. This means you can work on them without fear and worry that you're going to catch any diseases. But to make sure, you can clean the hair first before working with it. Just wash it with shampoo and water and then let it dry.
The hair cuticles are also eliminated with the use of an acid. The cuticles are removed in order for the hair to have a uniform look. Removing the cuticles will also allow the users to brush the hair by using only their hands. It allows the hands to just glide along the strands of the hair. The hair is usually dyed so they can have a uniform color.
There's also virgin hair
There are beauty school mannequin heads being sold with what is known as virgin hair. This simply means that the hair used has never been colored or permed. The quality of virgin hair is said to be better than the quality of non-virgin hair.
Virgin hair doesn't mean that the hair used has not been processed. Virgin hair has also undergone the same process that non-virgin hair has gone through. It has also been sanitized to ensure cleanliness and their cuticles have also been removed for uniformity.
These are the things you need to know if you want to buy beauty school mannequin heads. No matter what kind of mannequin head you will buy you need to make sure to buy only from a reputable seller.