
Natural dry shampoo can be a lifesaver. When you’re pressed for time and want to freshen up your locks, dry shampoo does just that. If your hair feels oily and you’re left with a weighed-down look, you can target excess oils and get a boost of volume. It’s a great way to augment your existing hair care routine, as long as you’re using a high-quality natural product. Say bye-bye to harmful aerosol dry shampoos and reach for a natural dry shampoo instead. The ingredients in a dry shampoo like this might be different than you’re used to, but they’re so worth it. Check out these three tips for using a natural dry shampoo that will leave your hair looking and feeling wonderful!
Match Your Natural Dry Shampoo to Your Hair Tone
A natural skin and hair care brand should offer different versions of the product based on the color of your locks. Cocoa powder is a fantastic natural ingredient that helps these products blend into your locks, and different formulations will have different amounts. Choose the product that best fits your hair color and it will blend beautifully. When your dry shampoo formula matches your hair type, the results will be that much better.
Give Yourself and Your Hair Time
Natural dry shampoo can often deliver results within minutes of application. As you comb and massage it in, you’ll quickly feel the difference. But that doesn’t mean its job is done. To get the most out of your dry shampoo, let it “set.” It needs time for the ingredients to do what they’re meant to do (usually, absorb oils). Your hair may feel wonderful in a matter of seconds, but it will feel even better after a few minutes. Once it’s had a chance to bond with your natural oils, give it another massage. This helps even things out, minimizes powdery residue, and can improve the texture of your hair.
Apply Dry Shampoo Before Bed
If you want to save even more time while getting even more out of your natural dry shampoo, use it before you go to bed. It’s a lot like deodorant in this regard. You can actually get more out of your organic deodorant ingredients when you use the product before bed rather that when you get up! It’s simply able to do what it was made to do more effectively. When it comes to natural dry shampoo, that time means more oil is absorbed. You’ll wake up practically ready to go. Well, almost. You may still need to brush and style your hair, but otherwise, you may notice less weigh down, increased volume, and a more even texture when you wake up.
About Primally Pure
When you want all-natural products that can achieve real results, turn to Primally Pure. This clean beauty brand creates a variety of skincare and body care essentials with ethically processed ingredients from small family farms and wildcrafted botanicals. They put nature’s most precious elements to work in pure recipes for a clean and effective approach to skincare. From Primally Pure’s groundbreaking non toxic deodorant with organic deodorant ingredients to their line of cleansing oil for targeting skincare, including an oil cleanser for oily skin, you can cultivate a routine that focuses on total body wellness. By taking the potentially harsh elements out of your skincare routine and replacing them with Primally Pure’s tips for clean beauty and intentional living, you can nourish your skin and support a healthy lifestyle. All the while, you are getting one step closer to achieving radiant-looking skin.
Try Primally Pure’s Natural Dry Shampoo for yourself at
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