
Cleansing is arguably one of the most important steps in any beauty routine. It’s how you wash away the stresses of the day, leaving your skin clean and clear for your moisturizer, serum, or other nourishing product. But after all these years, you might be surprised to learn you’re not cleansing 100% correctly. Here are a few of the most common facial cleansing mistakes and how to fix them.
Mistake 1: Over-Cleansing
It can feel tempting to think of cleansing your face like cleaning anything else. Just scrub and scrub until it’s practically sparkling, right? This is perhaps one of the worst things you can do when cleansing your face. Over-cleansing, or washing your face two or more times per day, could do more damage than good. You could inadvertently strip your skin of its natural (and essential!) oils, causing your internal oil production to kick into overdrive. Instead, unless you need a quick cleanse after a morning workout, try to get one good cleanse in at night and be as gentle as possible. Cleansing is supposed to be a relaxing end-of-the-night ritual. Save the scrubbing and polishing for something else.
Mistake 2: Turning Up the Heat
Is there anything better than a hot shower? Not really. It can be tempting to turn up the heat when cleansing at night too, but this should be avoided. Extreme temperatures, including frigid water, won’t do your complexion any favors. Hot water can dry your skin out excessively, which can set you back on your journey to achieving a smooth, balanced complexion. Instead, avoid extreme temperatures and keep your water more in the lukewarm territory. Your skin will thank you.
Mistake 3: Using the Wrong Cleanser for Your Skin State
If you have oily, dry, or sensitive skin, just any old cleanser might not provide the best results. Your skin state is vastly different than someone else’s, which is why you should invest in a non-toxic cleanser designed with your natural skin state in mind. For example, if oil control is a primary concern, you should consider picking up a premium oil cleanser for oily skin. This product is better suited for your skin’s needs, helping you address the appearance of excess oil without overdoing it.
Mistake 4: Not Trying the Oil Cleansing Method
The final mistake you might make is sticking with the typical cleansers found at the drugstore. These conventional cleansers can often be full of potentially harsh ingredients that might do more damage than good. If you’ve never tried the oil cleansing method, join the countless people who do it every day with great success. With a cleansing oil for acne or another concern, you can supercharge your cleansing routine. Like dissolves like, so it’s easy to break up impurities and excess oil with beneficial cleansing oils. The best cleansing oil will be made with thoughtful, non-toxic ingredients.
About Primally Pure
Are you ready to make the non-toxic switch? Elevate your morning and evening beauty routines with Primally Pure. This clean beauty brand offers a wide selection of daily essentials and weekend luxuries, all made with recognizable non-toxic ingredients. Whether you want to address the appearance of blemishes or you need a charcoal deodorant made with organic deodorant ingredients that can keep up, Primally Pure has you covered. The brand aims to take the confusion out of non-toxic personal care and beauty products. They are clear and up-front about what isn’t in their products and, most importantly, what is in their formulas, so that you can become a better skincare advocate for yourself. Whether you want a dry shampoo, cleansing oil, or other skincare or body care essential, Primally Pure has you covered.
Learn more about Primally Pure’s premium cleansing oils at
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