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Key Inclusions
§ A detailed assessment of thecurrent market landscape of therapeutics targeting STING pathway, based onseveral parameters, such as type of STING modulator (agonist or antagonist),type of molecule (small molecules, cyclic dinucleotides, non-nucleotides,biologics and others), phase of development (discovery, preclinical andclinical), target therapeutic area(s), type of therapy (monotherapy andcombination therapy), route of administration (intratumoral, intravenous andothers), and line of treatment (last line, second line or greater and firstline or greater). The chapter also features an analysis of the developerlandscape (including information on year of establishment, company size,geography and most active players). Further the chapter includes an analysis onthe clinical trials focused on STING, along with information on parameters,such as recruitment status, study design and clinical endpoints.
§ A detailed chapter highlightingvarious technology platforms that are being actively used for the developmentof STING modulators and analysis based on several parameters, such as type ofmodulator (agonist or antagonist), type of molecule (small molecules, cyclicdinucleotides, non-nucleotides, live biotherapeutics, nanoparticles andsynthetic peptides), and analysis based on technology developer landscape(including information on year of establishment, company size and geography).
§ Elaborate profiles of keyplayers that are engaged in the development of therapeutics targeting STINGpathway (shortlisted on the basis of phase of development of pipelineproducts), featuring a brief overview of the company, its financial information(if available), detailed descriptions of their respective lead drug candidates,recent developments and an informed future outlook. Additionally, each drugprofile features information on the type of drug, route of administration,target indications and current status of development.
§ Tabulated profiles of industryplayers (shortlisted on the basis of the antagonist in pipeline products),featuring details on the innovator company (such as year of establishment,location of headquarters, number of employees, key members of the executiveteam and recent developments), along with descriptions of their respective drugcandidates.
§ A study on various grants thathave been awarded to research institutes engaged in projects related to STINGpathway, during the period 2015 - Q1 2020, based on multiple parameters, suchas number of grants awarded, amount awarded, funding institute, support period,funding mechanism, type of grant application, grant activity code, most popularNIH department, type of recipient organization, regional distribution, mostpopular recipient organization(s), prominent project leader(s) and studysection. It also includes an analysis of on grant attractiveness.
§ An analysis of big pharmaplayers engaged in the development of therapeutics targeting STING pathway,based on several parameters, such as portfolio diversity, type of molecule,phase of development, therapeutic area(s), type of therapy and route ofadministration. In addition, the chapter features a benchmarking analysis ofthe aforementioned players.
§ An analysis of the start-ups /small players (established in the last ten years, less than 50 employees)engaged in the development of therapeutics targeting STING pathway, based onseveral relevant parameters, such as portfolio diversity, type of molecule,phase of development, therapeutic area, funding received, number of investors,type of funding, partnership activity, number of patents filed, grantsreceived, and start-up health indexing.
§ A detailed publication analysisof more than 300 peer-reviewed, scientific articles that have been publishedduring the period 2019 - Q1 2020, highlighting the research focus within theindustry. It also highlights the key trends observed across publications,including information on type of publication, year of publication, studyobjective, popular keywords, type of STING modulator, target pathway,therapeutic area, type of publisher, leading players (in terms of number ofpublications), region, first author organization and key journals (in terms ofnumber of articles published in this domain).
§ An analysis of the partnershipsthat have been established in the domain, over the period 2015 - Q1 2020,covering research agreements, product / technology licensing agreements,mergers / acquisitions, R&D and commercializationagreements, IP licensing agreements, clinical trial agreements, productdevelopment agreements, and other relevant deals. The chapter highlightsanalysis based on year of partnerships, type of partnership model, type ofSTING modulator, therapeutic area, technology platform, most active player(s)(in terms of number of partnerships inked), and region.
§ An analysis of the investmentsmade at various stages of development, such as seed financing, venture capitalfinancing, debt financing, grants / awards, capital raised from IPOs andsubsequent offerings, by companies engaged in this field. The chapterhighlights analysis based on the number of funding instances, amount invested,type of funding, type of STING modulator, therapeutic area, technologyplatform, most active player(s) (in terms of number of funding instances), mostactive investor(s) (in terms of number of funding instances) and geographicalregion.
The report alsofeatures the likely distribution of the current and forecasted opportunityacross important market segments, mentioned below:
§ Types of Payment
§ Upfront Payments
§ Milestone Payments
§ Typeof STING Modulator
§ Agonist
§ Antagonist
§ KeyTherapeutic Area(s)
§ OncologicalDisorders
§ InflammatoryDisorders
§ InfectiousDiseases
§ Others
§ Routeof Administration
§ Intratumoral
§ Intravenous
§ Oral
§ Subcutaneous
§ Others
§ Typeof Molecule
§ Non-nucleotide
§ CyclicDinucleotide
§ LiveBiotherapeutics
§ OncolyticPeptides
§ SyntheticPeptides
§ Others
§ KeyGeographical Regions
§ NorthAmerica
§ Europe
§ Asia-Pacific
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Key QuestionsAnswered
§ Who are the leading developers ofSTING pathway targeting therapeutics and affiliated technologies?
§ What are the most popular STINGpathway related technology platforms in the market?
§ What are the key therapeuticareas for which STING pathway targeting therapeutics are being / have beendeveloped?
§ What kind of partnership modelsare commonly adopted by stakeholders engaged in this industry?
§ What is the trend of capitalinvestment for STING pathway targeting therapeutics and technologies?
§ How is the current and futureopportunity likely to be distributed across key market segments in this domain?
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