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Key Inclusions
§ A detailed review of the landscape of novel ophthalmicproducts, highlighting the different categories of contact lenses and visualprostheses (bionic eye technologies) developed / being developed by variousplayers across the world. It features information on the purpose of development(therapeutic, drug delivery, and diagnosis / monitoring), current developmentstatus, target indication(s), type of product, type of organization (industryor non-industry) and location of company headquarters.
§ An analysis of the key promotional strategies that havebeen adopted by the developers of marketed products, namely ChromaGen™, CUSTOMFLEX®ARTIFICIALIRIS, EYEMATE®, Hyper-CL™, Implantable Miniature Telescope andSENSIMED Triggerfish®.
§ Brief profiles of the novel technologies that are beingdeveloped to expand the functionality of contact lenses; each profile featuresan overview of the technology, along with details on its working mechanism,information on application areas, type of products, key benefits, technicalspecifications and important details related to the developer company.
§ An in-depth analysis of the various patents granted / filedrelated to next generation contact lenses and visual prostheses since 2013,highlighting the prevalent and emerging related to the innovation in thisdomain. The analysis takes into consideration the type of patent, regionalapplicability, CPC classification, emerging focus areas, leading industry /non-industry players (in terms of the number of patents filed / granted),and patent valuation.
§ An analysis of the partnerships that have been establishedin this domain, covering R&D agreements, product development agreements,product commercialization agreements, service alliance and acquisitions; theanalysis is based on multiple parameters, such as the type of agreement, typeof organization, and focus area in terms of product application and targetindication.
§ A study of prevalent and emerging trends, and thepopularity of next generation contact lenses and visual prostheses, as observedon the social media platform, Twitter. The analysis takes into considerationthe tweets posted on the platform, between 2013 and 2018 (till mid-October).
§ A list of key opinion leaders (KOLs) in this domain, featuringa 2X2 analysis to assess the relative experience of certain individuals, whowere shortlisted based on their contributions (in terms of involvement invarious clinical studies) to this field. It includes a schematic world maprepresentation, highlighting the geographical locations of eminent scientists /researchers engaged in this domain. In addition, it presents an analysisassessing the credibility and (relative) level of expertise of different KOLsbased on number of publications, number of citations, number of clinicaltrials, number of affiliations and extent of professional network.
The report alsofeatures the likely distribution of the current and forecasted opportunityacross important market segments, mentioned below:
- Type of Product
§ ContactLenses
§ VisualProstheses
- Type of Lenses
§ TherapeuticContact Lenses
§ Drug-elutingContact Lenses
§ Diagnosticsand Monitoring Contact Lenses
- Target Indication
§ Age-relatedMacular Degeneration
§ Aniridia
§ Diabetes
§ Glaucoma
§ RetinitisPigmentosa
- Key Geographical Region
§ NorthAmerica
§ EU5
§ Asia-Pacific
Thereport includes detailed transcripts of discussions held with the followingexperts:
§ Michal Shavit (Headof Sales and Marketing, EyeYon Medical)
§ Mark E. Byrne(Co-Founder and Chief Technical Officer, OcuMedic)
§ Praful Doshi(Founder, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Technical Officer, Leo LensTechnology)
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Key Questions Answered
§ How is the current and future market opportunity likely tobe distributed across key market segments?
§ Who are the leading industry players engaged in the nextgeneration contact lenses and visual prostheses market?
§ How many patents have been filed to protect the novelintellectual property generated within this domain?
§ What are the recent developments and enabling technologiesthat are likely to influence the future of next generation contact lenses?
§ Who are the Key Opinion Leaders across different regionsworldwide?
§ For which disease indications are next generation contactlenses and visual prostheses being developed?
§ What are the key factors that are likely to influence theevolution of this market?
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