
Theuse of neoantigens in therapy has demonstrated the ability to elicit a strong Tcell mediated immune response. Several therapy candidates are beinginvestigated both as monotherapies and in combination with various immunecheckpoint inhibitors, such as atezolizumab, durvalumab, ipilimumab, andnivolumab. Of these, certain pipeline candidates have already entered mid tolate-stage (phase II and above) trials and are anticipated to enter the market overthe next 5-10 years.
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The USD 3 billion (by 2030)financial opportunity within the neoantigens market has been analyzed acrossthe following segments:
§ Type of targetdisease indication
§ Bone cancer
§ Colorectal cancer
§ Gynecological cancer
§ Non-small cell lungcancer
§ Renal cell carcinoma
§ Other cancers
§ Type of neoantigens
§ Personalizedneoantigens
§ Off-the-shelfneoantigens
§ Type of immunotherapy
§ Dendritic cellvaccines
§ DNA / RNA-basedvaccines
§ Protein /peptide-based vaccines
§ TIL-based therapies
§ Route ofadministration
§ Intradermal
§ Intravenous
§ Subcutaneous
§ Other routes
§ Key geographicalregions
§ North America
§ Europe
§ Rest of the World
Thereport features inputs from eminent industry stakeholders, according to whomneoantigen targeted therapies are expected to be the next big step in cancerimmunotherapy. Similar to CAR-T cell therapies, these therapies have, so far,demonstrated significant therapeutic potential and promising clinicaloutcomes. The report includes detailed transcripts of discussions heldwith the following experts:
§ GabrielNistor (Chief Science Officer, AIVITA Biomedical)
§ EllaSorani (Vice President Research and Development, BioLineRx)
§ Heinz Lubenau (Chief Operating Officer & Co-founder,VAXIMM)
The Neoantigen Targeted Therapies, 2019-2030 report features thefollowing companies, which we identified to be key players in this domain:
§ Bavarian Nordic
§ Genocea Biosciences
PressRelease: Variation 3 (Format 4)
§ Gradalis
§ Immunicum
§ ImmunovativeTherapies
§ IovanceBiotherapeutics
§ Medigene
§ Neon Therapeutics
§ Precision Biologics
§ Vaxon Biotech
Table of Contents
1. Preface
2. Executive Summary
3. Introduction
4. MarketOverview
5. Company Profiles:Neoantigen Targeted Therapies
6. PublicationAnalysis
7. Patent Analysis
8. Partnerships andCollaborations
9. Funding andInvestment Analysis
10. MarketForecast and Opportunity Analysis
11. ConcludingRemarks
12. ExecutiveInsights
13. Appendix 1:Tabulated Data
14. Appendix 2: Listof Companies and Organizations
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