
To order thisdetailed 200+ page report, please visit this -
Key Inclusions
§ A detailed assessment of thecurrent market landscape of companies offering HFE and usability testingservices based on several relevant parameters, including developer information(year of establishment, company size and location of headquarters), types ofcertifications obtained, types of HFE services offered in the concept phase(user research and use error risk analysis and management), design anddevelopment phase (prototype development and designing and interfacedevelopment and designing), verificationand validation phase (usability inspection, formative studies / usabilityverification, pre-validation testing / clinical trial, and summative studies /usability validation) and documentation / file compilation phase, types ofother services offered (regulatory guidance, packaging and labeling, trainingand post market surveillance) and types of medical devices designed by thecompany (drug delivery devices, clinical use / care devices, diagnosticdevices, therapeutic devices, home use medical devices and different laboratoryand surgical equipment).
§ A detailed companycompetitiveness analysis of HFE and usability testing service providers, takinginto consideration the supplier power (based on the year of establishment ofdeveloper) and other key specifications (such as core services offered, otherservices offered and types of medical devices designed) of players.
§ An elaborate discussion on thevarious guidelines established by major regulatory bodies, governing medicaldevice HFE and usability testing services, across different regions.
§ A detailed discussion on thecost implications across various steps of the HFE and usability testingprocess.
§ Profiles of HFE and usabilitytesting service providers (shortlisted on the basis of the number of servicesoffered), featuring an overview of the company, details related to their HFEand usability testing service portfolio and an informed future outlook.
§ A discussion on importantindustry-specific trends, key market drivers and challenges, under a SWOTframework, featuring a qualitative Harvey ball analysis that highlights therelative impact of each SWOT parameter on the overall HFE and usability testingservices market.
The report also features the likely distribution of thecurrent and forecasted opportunity across important market segments, mentionedbelow:
§ Type of tools used
§ Generative tools
§ Evaluative tools
§ Type of stepsinvolved
§ Contextual analysis
§ Task analysis
§ Design analysis
§ Formative studies
§ Use risk analysis
§ Known use erroranalysis
§ Summative studies
§ Regulatory documentpreparation’
§ Device class
§ Class I medicaldevices
§ Class II medicaldevices
§ Class III medicaldevices
§ Key geographicalregions
§ North America
§ Europe
§ Asia Pacific
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Key QuestionsAnswered
§ Who are the leadingplayers providing human factors engineering and usability testing services tomedical device developers?
§ What is the costassociated with different steps of the human factors engineering and usabilitytesting process for medical devices?
§ What kind of costsavings can be achieved through the adoption of the human factors engineeringand usability testing approach for medical device development?
§ In the past, how hasthe adoption of human factors engineering and usability testing approachesimpacted medical device recall rates?
§ How do the guidelinesfor human factors engineering and usability testing for medical devices, differacross key global regions?
§ What are theprevalent and emerging trends within the human factors engineering andusability testing service providers market?
§ How is the recentCOVID-19 pandemic likely to impact human factors engineering and usabilitytesting services market?
§ How is the currentand future opportunity likely to be distributed across key market segments?
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