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Key Inclusions
§ A detailed assessmentof the current market landscape of psychedelic therapeutics, providinginformation on phase of development (commercial, clinical, preclinical, anddiscovery stage) of lead candidates, type of psychedelic substance, origin ofpsychedelic substance, target therapeutic area route of administration(intranasal, intravenous, oral, sublingual, topical and transdermal), dosingfrequency (single dose, twice a week, once in two months and others). Inaddition, it includes information on drug developer(s), highlighting year oftheir establishment, company size, and location of headquarters.
§ Tabulated profiles ofprominent psychedelic therapeutics developers. Each profile features a briefoverview of the company, its financial information (if available), productportfolio, recent developments and an informed future outlook.
§ An in-depth analysisof completed, ongoing and planned clinical studies of various psychedelictherapeutics, based on the various relevant parameters, such as trialregistration year, phase of development, current trial status, enrolled patientpopulation and geographical distribution of trials, study design, leadingindustry (in terms of number of trials conducted), study focus, targettherapeutic area, key geographical regions.
§ An insightfulanalysis of clinical trial sites where the studies have been / are beingconducted for evaluation of various psychedelic therapeutics, based on relevantparameters, such as type of psychedelic substance, trial phase, targettherapeutic area and location of the trial.
§ A list of key opinionleaders (KOLs) within this domain, and detailed 2×2 matrices to assess therelative experience of key individuals who were shortlisted based on theircontributions (in terms of involvement in various clinical studies) to thisfield. It also includes a schematic world map representation (highlighting thegeographical locations of eminent scientists / researchers) and an analysisevaluating the (relative) level of expertise of different KOLs, based on numberof publications, number of citations, participation in clinical trials, numberof affiliations and strength of professional network (based on informationavailable on LinkedIn).
§ A detailed analysisof nearly 550 grants that have been awarded to research institutes engaged inpsychedelic therapeutics projects, in the period between 2015 and 2020 (tillMay), including analysis based on important parameters, such as year of grantaward, amount awarded, funding institute center, support period, type of grantapplication, purpose of grant award, grant funding mechanism, study sectioninvolved, and recipient organizations. In addition, it highlights popularpsychedelic therapeutics, popular funding institute centers, prominent programofficers, and popular recipient organizations.
§ An analysis of thepartnerships that have been established in the recent past (2017-2020 tillMay), covering acquisitions and mergers, licensing agreements, productdevelopment agreements, research agreements, research and developmentagreements, clinical trial agreements, joint venture agreements and otherrelevant types of deals.
§ A detailed analysisof the various mergers and acquisitions that have taken place in this domain, highlightingthe trend in the number of companies acquired between 2017-2020, based onparameters, such as year of merger and acquisition, type of acquisition,geographical location of the acquirer and the acquired company, and key valuedrivers. Moreover, it presents a schematic world map representation of thegeographical distribution of this activity, highlighting inter- andintracontinental deals.
§ A detailed marketforecast, featuring analysis of the current and projected future opportunityacross key market segments (listed below)
§ TargetDisease Indication
§ Anxiety andDepression
§ Trauma
§ Pain Disorder
§ Sleep relatedDisorder
§ Originof Psychedelic Substance
§ Natural
§ Synthetic
§ Typeof Psychedelic Substance
§ Gamma-hydroxybutyrate
§ Ketamine
§ Psilocybin
§ Routeof Administration
§ Oral
§ Intranasal
§ Sublingual
§ KeyGeographies
§ North America
§ Europe
§ Asia-Pacific
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Key QuestionsAnswered
§ Whoare the leading industry players in this domain?
§ Whatare the key clinical conditions addressed by psychedelic therapeutics?
§ Whoare the key opinion leaders from renowned academic and research institutes thatcan assist in driving development efforts for psychedelic therapeutics?
§ Whichpartnership models are commonly adopted by stakeholders engaged in thisindustry?
§ Whichare the most active trial sites where clinical studies focused on psychedelictherapeutics are being conducted?
§ Whichfactors are likely to influence the evolution of this market?
§ Howis the current and future market opportunity likely to be distributed acrosskey market segments?
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Gaurav Chaudhary
+1 (415) 800 3415
+44 (122)391 1091